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Can anyone explain this...?

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  • Can anyone explain this...?

    Last week I took a vacation day for various reasons.

    When I returned the following day, one of my co-workers said, "you took a good day to be off, the floor manager was pulling people in her office all day and even wrote a rep from the sales dept up...."

    Wait for it....

    "...For taking too many calls!"

    I was stunned, but at the same time found it funny as hell. After all, that's what we're here for, right?

    The sales rep from what I hear refused to sign the write up, but she wasn't fired (thank goodness, what a dumb reason to write someone up).

    I was telling my co-worker (another one) because of my financial situation if that was me I would have signed it and leave it at that, as FL is a work-at-will state they could fire you for anything, even if the write didn't make since at all.

    He called me a "pussy" for saying it, but as I told him I would rather sign a writeup that didn't sense than lose my job, even if the writeup was for something like twhittling my thumbs. I have seen co-workers that tried to stand their ground when being written up and got canned for it. I don't want that to happen to me. If I'm a pussy for that then so be it!

    BTW can anyone who also works in a call center explain with a floor manager would write some up for taking "too many calls?" That one still baffles me.

    Edited to correct some typos
    Last edited by sld72382; 01-03-2008, 12:09 PM.

  • #2
    I think they were writing her up for something so they could collect enough of a paper trail to fire her. Most likely, they have another issue with her entirely that they CAN'T write her up for...personality clash, for instance.


    • #3
      Going on the opposite side of the fence as Kinkoid since every story has two sides

      There is always a possibility that "taking too many calls" somehow breaks some procedure or some such.

      I have never done sales but I know a little bit about it. Like if shes taking leads from someone else IE "taking too many calls" that could be a bad thing.

      I know at a tech center I used to work at the manager would assign call backs to the various reps and it was our job to handle our own call backs and taking someone else's calls without direct approval from the MOD was a big no no.

      Then again Kinkoid could be right.


      • #4
        Quoth sld72382 View Post
        BTW can anyone who also works in a call center explain with a floor manager would write some up for taking "too many calls?" That one still baffles me.

        at our center it raises a red flag if ANY rep takes over "x" number of calls per day-why you ask-simple it usually means the rep is either dropping calls or telling the customer they have to call back, system is down, we don't handle that....

        AHT=Average Handle time

        AHT goal-420 seconds(7 minutes)
        7.5 hour shift(8 hours-2X15 minute breaks)=450 minutes
        450/7=64 calls
        Target is actually 40

        anything over 70 raises flags as the rep is likely doing "something" to artificially drop their AHT(we get incentives for lower AHT times-which is a really bad idea)
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
          at our center it raises a red flag if ANY rep takes over "x" number of calls per day-why you ask-simple it usually means the rep is either dropping calls or telling the customer they have to call back, system is down, we don't handle that....

          AHT=Average Handle time

          AHT goal-420 seconds(7 minutes)
          7.5 hour shift(8 hours-2X15 minute breaks)=450 minutes
          450/7=64 calls
          Target is actually 40

          anything over 70 raises flags as the rep is likely doing "something" to artificially drop their AHT(we get incentives for lower AHT times-which is a really bad idea)
          It's the same at my center, that's what I suspect the floor manager in the OP was so uppity about.
          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


          • #6
            It depends on the type of calls your call enter takes. I work for a software mfr and I am an inbound agent. It is my job to open up the conversation, found out the work flow and make proper recommendations about the software that will work best for them. we sell other services as well, and once again I have to determine what their pain points are and sell them the right services.

            If you are spending 5 minutes or less on each call then it could be said that you aren't spending enough time to develop the call and to give the customer a solution, not just a box of software. We call it "churn and burn" and burners get coached, adn if there is no improvement, they are terminated.


            • #7
              Quoth sld72382 View Post
              whittling my thumbs.
              Wouldn't that hurt?

              *ducks rotten citrus....we'll have lots of that by morning*

              Methinks 'twiddling' is the word you were looking for
              Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

              Proverbs 22:6


              • #8
                Quoth thegiraffe View Post
                Wouldn't that hurt?

                *ducks rotten citrus....we'll have lots of that by morning*

                Methinks 'twiddling' is the word you were looking for
                but "whittling" has a much more fun visual!
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

