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  • Why....?

    Why is it you can come in 10+ times a day and get $5 or less in gas but cant afford to come in once a day and get it all at once?

    Why is it you can come in every other day and get 6 to 9 packs of cigarettes yet cant afford to buy a carton?

    Why is it you think you can come in and stand in the back of the store for 20 minutes talking on a cell phone? Why do you get mad when I ask if I can help you?
    I dont have the time to wait for you to get off the phone, I have other work I can be doing when noone is in the store that I cant do while you are there.

    Why do you think I am a mind reader? If you want Newport 100's in a box, tell me that, dont tell me I need a pack of smokes. And no I dont know what brand of cigarettes your dad, brother, mom, uncle, etc smokes. You should have wrote it down or brought an empty pack with you.

    Why do you ignore the sign that says "All cigarette sales are final"? Then get mad when you try to return a pack?

    That one brings this up... Why couldnt you remember what brand of cigarettes you smoke? Its not my fault you smoke Marlboro and told me or a co-worker to give you a pack of USA Golds. Sorry but if you didnt just buy them or if I wasnt the one that sold you them or I dont remember I cant help you.

    Why is it you can sit in line for gas for upto 30 minutes and when its your turn you dont know how much you want, where your credit/debit card is, or where your cash is?

    Why is it you cant roll down a window?
    Yes I know its cold in the winter and hot in the summer, or even snowing or raining, but I am standing out in the weather for 8 1/2 hours to pump the gas so you dont have to. The least you can do is have the money/card ready and ROLL DOWN THE WINDOW and speak up so I can hear and understand you and please be off the cell phone so you can pay attention.

    If you are so interested in that call and you drive off with that nozzle still in the car and make the break away pop we WILL call the police and file an accident report and if the break away leaks after we put it back together your insurance will pay for it.

    Why is it with all of the parking we offer you have to park right where I am sweeping or have swept up a pile of trash?

    Why is it that you see me sweeping the lot yet you cant walk the 5 feet to one of the many trash cans to toss that trash away?

    Why is it that you see me shoveling the lot yet you think its ok to get out and dump all the snow off your car onto the lot I just cleaned?
    Last edited by VenomX; 01-02-2008, 11:59 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth VenomX View Post
    Why is it you can come in 10+ times a day and get $5 or less in gas but cant afford to come in once a day and get it all at once?
    There's a belief that the less fuel you have in the tank, the more efficient your car is. In terms of fuel use it's true (my car has a 50 liter tank, if I've only got 5 liters in there that's around 45 kilos less that I'm moving around).

    I've done the math and it's cheaper to completely fill the tank on the cheapest day of the week (which in South Australia is Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning). It's also much more convenient.

    (I ran out of fuel last week actually, between the holidays and moving into my new place I did more than double my usual weekly driving distance. So I put in $10 worth and waited for Tuesday, when I filled up again.)


    • #3
      At least you didn't have to do both gas and a car wash like I did. As a high point, I didn't have to sell smokes.
      This is like my expression when faced with a SC...

