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Packrats at work

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  • Packrats at work

    My bf and I were on the phone tonight, and he said that this morning, it was really slow at the factory, so they were told to clean out the area as best as possible.

    Underneath a table, they found pens and Sharpies TAPED to underneath the table. We can only assume that they belong to someone who doesn't want anyone else to use them, so they hide them there.

    They also found little boxes in the corners of the room with Kleenexes, more pens and tools, that were obviously deliberately hidden.

    One thing my factory has is an infinite supply of pens, Sharpies, miscellaneous tools, and other supplies.

    That sort of thing happens in my area as well. People for some reason are petrified that we will run out of something or that *OMG* someone will use their pen or their marker, so they hide them in certain spots. Especially GLOVES!

    First of all, we have plenty of supplies. Second of all, if it's really YOUR pen, put it in your pocket of your smock or take it with YOU. Don't hide it somewhere!

    It's like working with a bunch of dogs. You never know what kind of treasures you'll find hidden somewhere!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    I have my own stash of pens I use at the bank, but all of my pens are kept in my holder for papers and my pens were either purchased by me or given to me as a gift. They're also all frilly and girly so I can easily identify which ones are mine.

    Pens that are for branch use I leave alone. I let customers use them at the drive-up and such but I certainly don't keep them.
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


    • #3
      At my last construction job, I had to keep locking up my things in with the computer. Because if it was left out, then some jackass would take it. Happened a few times. If I took them with me, then most likely I would have forgotten them. Now at my job now, I just leave my pens in my drawer that has a lock on it.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        ...and I thought I had it bad here. One of our previous interns would hide things...mainly food that the boss had brought in for *all* of us. It usually went like this--he'd bring in snacks, or lunch, etc.; we'd eat most of it, then put the rest into the refrigerator for later. Now, if it wasn't eaten the next day, she'd claim any and all of it. Didn't matter what it was--it was now "hers." For example, we had some leftover bagels one morning, and put them in the freezer. Rather than share the leftovers, she hid them...only do draw ire when she had them for lunch later that week.

        However, one of my coworkers managed to pwn her After he was finished with his pizza, the empty box proved a bit too tempting. Yep, he put it back in the 'fridge, for her to find When she saw that the next day, her eyes got big over Pizza!...only to find the box was empty After that, she left the food alone
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          Quoth protege View Post

          However, one of my coworkers managed to pwn her After he was finished with his pizza, the empty box proved a bit too tempting. Yep, he put it back in the 'fridge, for her to find When she saw that the next day, her eyes got big over Pizza!...only to find the box was empty After that, she left the food alone
          This reminds me of a story my mother tells - when she was working in a hospital, there was a ward sister who used to steal everybody else's food... so.... one night my mum and her friends injected an orange with a diuretic! They didn't see much more of her that night, and she never stole food again...

