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They didn't pay so we'll disconnect you (long)

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  • They didn't pay so we'll disconnect you (long)

    This is something that happened in the cafe/ bakery where I work.

    This is a small shop, 1 baker, 2 barrista's (coffee makers), 6 general staff (work tills, bus tables, do washing etc), me, the shop owner and the newly hired assistant manager.

    My job is quite simply, everything, I had started as general staff but moved on till I bake on the baker's days off, I make coffee's on the barrista's days off, I open up, I close, I do the figures, count the tills at end of day, do inventory, organise staff rota's- Whatever job needs doing, I am the person who does it and although I still have the same job title as the general staff the rest of the staff look up to me and I was the highest ranking there except for the owner - Until she hired an Assistant manager cos she thought I was being overworked (which I was but I didn't mind as the job wasn't too bad). The assistant manager slowly learnt most of the roles that I did but didn't do finances or baking.

    I had just finished my baking for the day and was about to start washing which was a monumental task after baking 20 dozen muffins (a dozen each of 20 varieties) the assistant manager comes into the kitchen looking worried.

    I ask her whats wrong and she says that two men have come from the power company (we had one company for electric and gas) to disconnect us for not paying our bills and could I speak to them. This startled me as:

    A: I knew we were fully paid up on our bills (the paperwork was in the safe)

    B: they were from power company B, not power comany A who we got our power from.

    Anyway after trying (unsuccessfully) to phone the owner I end up sitting with these two men asking what's going on. It turns out that the previous tenants (8 months ago) before our shop opened had still not cancelled their power and had 9 months bills owing. After showing them the up to date bills from the safe they still refused to budge and said that they still had to disconnect our power.

    I asked to see their paperwork giving them permission to do so and it stated our address but the previous shop's name and a different bill payers name. I showed them our tenancy and when we opened and I contacted the mall staff and got them to bring documentation on when the previous store left (turns out they were evicted for not paying rent).

    So after all this evidence (and phoning their boss and explainign the whole thing to them as well) what happens?

    Thats right, the two power company men go ahead and disconnect our power!

    So I'm stuck with 20 dozen freshly baked muffins that I can't sell, 4 staff who can't work, a boss who won't answer her $%*!ing phone and a cafe thats going to have to close just before the lunch rush!

    I end up standing outside the shop as the staff close up explaining to our customers whats happened and why we aren't open at lunchtime (Oh I forgot to mention that out shutters are electrical and so don't close when the powers down) when the shop owner walks up and asks me whats going on.

    Needless to say she is even more unhappy with the situation than I am at this point and starts trying to contact the power companies to get the issue sorted. The wonderful people in the shop next door lend us a long extension from their sockets and a lamp so we can see as we clean up and we can turn on the electric shutters to close up.

    Then the assistant manager has the nerve to say, in front of the entire staff (and the wonderful people from next dood) that its my fault because I talked to the men instead of asking her to do it as after all, she is the Assistant Manager, and I'm just general staff (Never mind that she came to me for help in the first place!)

    So, that was my day, sorry for the long story but I feel a lot better now I've ranted

    Apparently we will have power back up by tomorrow. I guess I'll find out in the morning when I try to open up.
    "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

    CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
    Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?

  • #2
    You should have called the cops. Technically they were trespassing and didn't have the right to be on the property. You cede certain rights when you sign up for power, and the company DOES have the right to go up on THEIR pole and disconnect you. Since your power was provided by a differant company, you could have had the workmen detained or arrested. A reasonable cop would never do so (unless the workers got beligerant) but you WERE protected by the law.


    • #3
      I would've had a nice, calm discussion with the AM, myself, after her comments.

      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        You know, depending on lost revenue and such, the owner might be able to take the idiots to small claims court. I'm pretty sure it'd be a solid, and well deserved win.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          I would be sending a bill to the company that shut off the power for all the lost business for that day. Then I would explain to the owner quite clearly that the AM was to apologize to me in front of all the staff about what she said, and the AM was never to speak about me that way again or I would be looking elsewhere and the owner could try to find someone to fill my shoes.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            I'm with BroomJockey on this one. Also, did anyone try calling Company B? The technitions can only do what they are told and really have no power themselves. They are just another peon, as it were. I don't know if you did it, but a call should have been put in with Company B and escalated to speak with a supervisor. At the very least (in my perfect dream world), they might have agreed to postpone the disconnect until things could be figured out.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Well thankfully we've got our power back today. Apparently the Shop owners lawyer has been onto the power companies and we are looking at getting some compensation at some point.

              To be honest, looking back at it now there were probably a few things that I could have done but didn't at the time but then I'm just staff and shouldn't have dealt with the whole thing.

              I found out this morning that a few of the other staff had talked to the owner about the AM's behaviour, and that I'd done really well under the circumstances. Aparently they also complained about the way that the AM treats them when I'm not around.

              Oh well, my breaks almost over, I'll have to run
              "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

              CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
              Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


              • #8
                In theory change power companies in the UK is as easy as filling in a form, getting a meter reading and changing over. In paractice they f*** it up quite frequently.
                "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                • #9
                  calling the cops sounds like a good idea.
                  followed by a lawsuit. especially since they're attempting to disconnect power that isn't theirs anymore.

                  sometimes those power companies are really evil. in most places in the states we only have one company to get power from, so we can't just shop around unless we go to solar or stuff like that.

                  and even then they can be anal. One of my friends told me about a lady he knew who'd gone to solar power. The power company saw that she wasn't on their records as having power (or rather she wasn't paying THEM for power) so they sent out a representive to declare her house as "Condemmed".

                  The woman demonstrated that she indeed had power, by turning the lights off and on. However, he refused to acknowledge it and submitted the paperwork. Thankfully the courts sided in her favor.

                  but i did work at a place where they had a specific cell phone for the on-call person... they forgot to pay the bill & it got cut off.
                  Last edited by PepperElf; 01-10-2008, 07:26 AM.

