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That'll Teach Me

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  • That'll Teach Me

    I've been working on a project at my job for the last month. One that the bosses agreed to with a client before asking me if it was possible. It wasn't. But I worked through the holidays, and have been coming in on weekends. I'm now feeling burned out, and decided to come in late today. They gave me attitude about that. Guess who won't be going above and beyond any more.

  • #2
    I agree! (slight offensive language)

    I agree with you there! I have found in my work experience that the more you work, the more you get shit on!


    • #3
      Communication is the key.

      I have no info on this specifically, so can't judge.

      Did you ASK to come in late as compensation? Did you get OFFERED this? Did you just DECIDE to come in late, and didn't tell anyone? It's not getting shit on if you are being asked to follow the rules. If you are getting no compensation for extra effort, was there some sort of implied offer of this? Did you expect/ask/communicate any feelings whatsoever about the situation?


      • #4
        Gotta love it when someone promises the impossible, and puts you on the spot.

        That happened to one of my coworkers a few years ago. We were putting together an entire new system, and management decided that come hell or high water, it was going live on a certain date, without regard to whether or not it was actually ready. An exact quote from one of them was, "We don't have time to do it right! We'll fix it later!" Naturally, that came back to bite us in the ass.

        Since the end of month processing ran at the tail end of everything else, it showed all kinds of problems that had accumulated along the way. After a particularly bad one, we were scrambling thru all sorts of data and code, trying to figure out what went wrong, and where. In the midst of it all, one of the marketing assholes people called, and told us we needed to get it fixed, because he had promised one of the clients that it would be done that day. My coworker couldn't help himself, he laughed right into the phone, mostly out of sheer frustration.
        Sometimes life is altered.
        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
        Uneasy with confrontation.
        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


        • #5
          you sure your boss isn't mine?

          i swear... mine's always talking to some of the other bosses here and agreeing to pick up their extra work cos "we're all the same company". but the way he runs things, "we're all the same company" really ends up being.... "sure your guys can be as lazy as they want, my guys will do the work for you!"

          makes you wish you could tell them... "You do know we dont' really have the resources or abilities to do this extra work, yes? No. We really don't. And we don't care what you promised, that's your own fault for not actually thinking first." but...yeah bosses and egos. sigh.


          • #6
            Quoth Crazeyal View Post

            Did you ASK to come in late as compensation? Did you get OFFERED this? Did you just DECIDE to come in late, and didn't tell anyone? It's not getting shit on if you are being asked to follow the rules. If you are getting no compensation for extra effort, was there some sort of implied offer of this? Did you expect/ask/communicate any feelings whatsoever about the situation?

            That is what I was going to ask.

            I had that crap happened to me once. I came in everyday except Sundays, to finish a project, that had to be out by a certain date. I was 5 minutes late, because of a damn train. I got bitched at for about 30 minutes.
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              Sounds like your boss(es?) need a sign like my dad has in his office:

              Fast. Cheap. Good.
              Choose two.

