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At work, bored and fireworks

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  • At work, bored and fireworks

    I forgot to mention this. I replaced my colleague on the last day of December, since I normally don't work on Mondays, only weekends.

    It was the last day of the year. Hardly anyone around, except for kids with fireworks. My manager was bored, just like me. He asked a neighbor to get some fireworks since he forgot to buy ground bloom flowers. When he got them at 4 pm (we close at 5 pm, normally 5.30) I noticed he was going from the back room to the front, walking behind me with a huge grin, asking where I left the tape.

    He disappeared again and 2 minutes later I hear some noise from the back room and he storms out laughing his ass off. So I asked what happened? before I finished the question a cloud of smoke enters the store from the back room and bossman isn't able to tell anything. When he calmed down he said he lit 2 of those ground bloom flowers and put them in the toilet.

    I looked at him and started laughing along with him, he did it one more time so we could make a little vid of it (yeah, we were really really bored, even coffee couldn't help us), then we decided to call it a day and I did my usual closing tasks.

    Don't get me wrong, he is a nice guy and a good manager, but I guess he really had enough for the year