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Worried mom (amused me)(LONG)

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  • Worried mom (amused me)(LONG)

    Okay, 1st item in the lost & found today is a cell phone. As I usually do, I looked in the directory to find "home", "mom", or "dad," figuring that would limit the owner of the phone. Since I call from my phone, not the cell phone I can't just call anyone in the address book & ask them too look at their caller id.

    I called this one's 'home' number & talked to his mother. With a little bit of effort, I got his name and tell the mom that I will let him know that I have his cell phone. I looked him up in the campus on-line directory. He has his cell phone listed for his phone number, so I can't call his room. His email address is listed so I email him.

    About an hour later, his mom calls and wants to know if he's picked up his phone. Nope, haven't heard from him yet. I've emailed him because I was unable to call as his only phone listed is currently sitting on my desk. She's a little puzzled so I explain a bit about his campus directory entry. She doesn't have his room phone number either, he can't remember it (really common, it's hard to remember a new phone number every year when you only have it for 9 months). I suggest that if she has his roommate's name I can look him up & see if he has the phone number listed.

    It takes a few attempts to get the name, either due to my hearing or her accent, I'm not 100% sure which; plus her not being certain what his name is. I finally get it & there are 1/2 dozen possibilities based on the limited information that she's given me. I guess at one & I'm right. He's in the same room as her son. We have a phone number. I give it to her & I call, no answer.

    2 hours later. She calls again. She's worried that he's been in an accident 'been run over on his bike because we were talking yesterday and the call dropped. Maybe he was hurt.' I try to reassure her, the phone was only found this morning; not last night. It was found in the building, not outside, etc. Well, someone could have brought it in after the accident, etc. She's been calling his room, too, and getting no answer (no surprise to either of us, he's in class hopefully). I finally give her the number to student health. I have no idea if they can help her or not (HIPAA, after all), but maybe they can tell her that they didn't treat her son.

    I try his room again after she gets off the phone & hey, he's there. And he got his email so he knows that I have his phone. He asks if he needs to pick it up right now, I reply, 'no (because he doesn't, if he doesn't get it by the time I leave, it'll go in the safe) but you need to call your mom, she's worried.'

    He's a little baffled, but amused. About 5 minutes later he picks up his phone & signs for it. He does want to know how I found out it was his phone, though.

    Very prosaic but it really amused me for some reason.
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