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When the drama comes-a-knockin... (language)

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  • When the drama comes-a-knockin... (language)

    I have decided to explain my day leading up to the nearly undeserving woman's thrashing.

    The reason I found myself in pets* was because when I came into work, there was an officer waiting for me by the time clock. He wanted to talk to me concerning the sexual assault of another employee who claimed I cornered her in the backroom and... felt her up against her will. Of course my only saving grace was that I worked days and she comes in three hours after my shift ends, so I had no idea who this woman even was. That was until she came into the room. Apparently my friend's ex-girlfriend found out that I was working there and to get back at him for breaking up with me she wanted to get back at him by getting me fired so I'd take it out on him and basically ruin both mine and his life.

    Well, that didn't happen because the management that covers that shift knows that I leave and don't come back and there's no video of me being in the backroom of the store during the alleged hours as I'm... not there. Problem solved, the girl got terminated.

    Next, another employee complains to management that I've been stealing merchandise from electronics. Video games, movies, etc. Well, there's no video of me, there's no loss in stock, and not to mention the fact that I've always been forthcoming and honest. Even going so far as to relate my stories of telling off customers to managers so they know my side before they even get complaints, which they (used to) never do. So my integrity to even endanger MY job to be honest is what saved me there.

    It was at this point that my giveashitter broke and the usually cheery Gaudemeous turned into a raging green bastard who yells at crotchety old ladies for being picky.

    Then there was the almost ass-kicking. Standing with my group of smokers chain smoking my third cigarette of my break, I get jerked around by a black guy as big as I am and knocked around while being asked a series of questions about 'his woman/weed/car/money' to which I answer that I hadn't touched any of because I don't even know who this strange dark skinned man is. Then he notices my name tag and backs up off me spouting his apologies.

    Then I was obscenely rude to a crotchety lady.

    So to plead my case, in one day I have two near firings, a really painful bout of mistaken identity and on top of that a bunch of customers who have trouble finding an entire aisle of dig biscuits. It was a very rough day and I plead to the courts to forgive my transgression. I promise I will never, EVER take a woman's plight for dog tag size lightly EVER again.

    *Pets is a 'safe zone' according to my manager. Heavily shopped, but it's highly unlikely I'd be anywhere near the backroom.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-13-2008, 05:35 PM.
    Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command.

  • #2
    You need to transfer to another store, my friend.
    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


    • #3
      That or carry around a Stick of Beatdown +1.
      You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

