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Spirit. Draining.

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  • Spirit. Draining.

    Lack of sleep has made me semi groggy lately. It didn't really affect my work til last night. How to start??

    Two customers come in. One wants jerky. He gets two pieces, pays, waits til his friend comes up, his friend buys beer, he walks to the side, and is peering at the porn magazines. (Its waaaaay outta his reach). They leave. All is well.

    Its hitting 3:00 am, time to get coffee made for the morning people. I grab the pots, head to the back, trip somehow. (I don't know HOW, I just did!). BAM. Coffee Pot slams into the ground. The spout breaks off. I can hear the glass inside the pot crack and shatter.

    Did you know that our special made super coffee pots that keep coffee hot and fresh. (Well hot anyway) all day cost $180? I didn't know ether til the boss told me. That comes outta store budget, there goes boss and my bonus that month.

    4:00 am comes. USA comes with bill. I glance at it, its really really high. 75 dollars. We so rarely sell the USA, I don't understand how the hell it can be that high. She tells me because she hasn't picked up the bill for a few weeks. (Which is true. sorta...). I pay it out, she leaves. Its then my addle brain can see the bill. Guess what the address of it was? Yep. Not mine.
    Much swearing to myself, when I glance outside and seeing paper lady pulling up again, running into the store saying how sorry she was. She gives me all the money back, and gives me the correct bill of 49 dollars. Still seems high to me, but I'm too tired, and I can vaugily remember the boss saying it really doesn't matter what happens to the vendors, the main office can fix it. I give her the money, she leaves. I turn, knock on the window, she comes back in, I hand her her Big ass wad of cash she just left on the counter to give me back the money she got in the first place, then she leaves.

    Manager comes. I'm happy, but not to talkative. Its ok. She talks. Tjhen she sees the big bill. She tells me we only sold one of the sports monthy. She charged us for 11. Much grumbling. Then she gets a little more pissed off. Remember those two guys from earlier? Yeah. The guy wasn't looking at the porn like I thought. He managed to stuff a whole jar of jerky into his coat without me seeing. I got yelled at that for alot.
    She wasn't too mad about the coffee, because accidents happen. Just no way around that. But I'm still slightly in shock. Next to the manager, I'm the best at watching customers. (A point the manager did make when she reviewed the whole tape, to see exactly how I was acting, because she thought it was strange I didn't see that ether).

    I'm just happy its my turn to only work five days this week. Manager, and the other two are getting tired of it too. My manager finally managed to convince corporate to bring in a part timer.

    Gah. I hate this store.

    EDIT: Also, apperntly since the paper is a cash only thing, even WITH our invoices, we can't get our money back. By me paying her the money, I have given my consult that it is true. So manager told me not to be dumb about it, and just tell her to bring it the manager when it seems strange.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    mind if i poke your manager in the eye.
    i hate when they have to use insults like "dumb" just to get a point across.

    it's like they can't get their lives going right unless they're stepping on people :|

