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I wonder if they will last?

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  • I wonder if they will last?

    Last night, at work I had to ask my boss a question. He was with the class that is training, so I got to see the people who are training to help with the account that I'm working on.

    I had to wonder how many would last, since not everyone is cut out to deal with collections.

    People will cuss you out like you have never heard before (Well, I have, but I don't think then new people have). They will scream at you. They will threaten you. They will threaten your family. They will hope you have the worst kind of things happen to you.

    I don't give a rat's ass how people talk to me, because to me, they are just a voice on the phone to me. However, I have seen many people take things personally and quit.

    Maybe the rest of us should place bets on who will last and who won't.
    Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

    If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

    Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.

  • #2
    You could start a betting pool for each training class! Bet on how long each one will last with a bonus pot for which trainee runs sobbing out of the office on the first day live on the phones.
    You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


    • #3
      Oh I love betting on how long noobs will last... most of them have no idea what they are getting into (i know I didn't).
      Hotels have a lot of entitlement whores (which I will never get used to) and idiots who will treat everything you do that doesn't meet their twisted view of reality as a personal failing on your part (but I should be able to cancel my reservation 4 hours after the deadline if I want to without penalty, I mean, you only gave me up until 6pm on my day of arrival to cancel, how can you expect me to do that)...
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        It can be hard to tell at times. We've had many rounds of recruitment over the last three years (I was part of one of them three-and-a-half years back or so).

        One time, I saw the group coming in and saw they were all short women. Two didn't make it through the physical challenge of the first three months, and of the remaining two one became the object of my glands' affections for a while. A group coming in much later - I saw one and made mention that I didn't know we were recruiting from a kindergarten (she appeared very young). She turned out to be a great friend (and somewhat older than her appearance belies).



        • #5
          As far as I know, no one has placed monetary bets or anything like that, but every Thursday when the training folk are bringing the newbie temps around the factory (this is during 1st shift so I'm not there to see), my boyfriend says he and his coworkers will quietly say to each other "Two days" "One week" "Keeper" "Won't even show up on the first night".

          We trainers can usually tell from the first day we meet our trainees. I could tell from the first night that DipShit was a piece of work. I can tell certain people are cut out for the job and some will take longer.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            I had a few people at work tell me recently that I was picked "least likely to last" out of my training class, atypical hire for driving a tow truck since I'd never held a blue collar job before, and the guy doing the hiring flat-out told me I was over educated in his opinion. Nothing like proving them wrong.

            In fact, everyone in my hiring group is still there and one was even promoted to night manager.

            NOBODY hired after us has lasted, one guy didn't last his first night, the next one only lasted a few weeks, the third is slowly moving towards the door as we speak for last-second call offs

            I keep my thoughts on new people quiet, but so far, I've been right when I've had to mentaly file someone under "Get to know, he'll be here" and "Don't bother, he's a goner"
            Last edited by Argabarga; 01-20-2008, 01:24 PM.
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #7
              Back when I was with the grocery store, we got a new hire that was about 18. I jokingly bet a can of soda with my coworker that he wouldn't even show up after the mandatory 10 hour training. (split into four 2.5 hour sessions over four days, all paid IF you completed two weeks on your own)

              I thoroughly enjoyed the icy cold, citrus-sy goodness of that can of Mountain Dew when the plebe did a no-show, no-call on their first day of working on the registers. I was told that the only time he ever came back was with his mommy when he didn't get paid for the training because he never showed up for work. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall knowing how tight the store owner's purse strings were.
              This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


              • #8
                Quoth blas87 View Post
                As far as I know, no one has placed monetary bets or anything like that, but every Thursday when the training folk are bringing the newbie temps around the factory (this is during 1st shift so I'm not there to see), my boyfriend says he and his coworkers will quietly say to each other "Two days" "One week" "Keeper" "Won't even show up on the first night".

                We trainers can usually tell from the first day we meet our trainees. I could tell from the first night that DipShit was a piece of work. I can tell certain people are cut out for the job and some will take longer.
                At the hotel, I train people for 3rd shift and sometimes I work 2nd shift them too. I can tell if they are going to last just by instinct. I really hate training people who I know will not be there in a month. It's alot of stuff to know (not hard stuff, but stuff that needs to be done correctly) and it's draining to have to train the dullards.


                • #9
                  Quoth bigjimaz View Post
                  .... (split into four 2.5 hour sessions over four days, all paid IF you completed two weeks on your own)...
                  is that even legal? figures to me, if you get hired, then you go in to work (whether for training or not) you should be paid.

