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Is your workplace haunted?

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  • #16
    First, I should probably explain a couple of terms I use. A 'haunt' is sort of like an echo, like a segment of video or audio that just replays in a closed loop, no awareness. A 'ghost' is usually aware and can interact with people and objects to some extent.

    The place I work at has several haunts that I've seen or heard, but no actual ghosts that I know of. People randomly hear voices and see shadowy figures walking around (and not always just from the corners of their eyes. I've seen at least one myself that I was looking straight at when it appeared, and watched it til it went around a corner). These haunts freak some of my coworkers out a bit, but I haven't seen, heard, or felt anything to cause me any real concern.

    My home is haunted by an actual ghost, the ghost of a cat I had that passed away recently. Her passing wasn't particularly traumatic for me or for her, she died peacefully and painlessly of old age and I knew several days before it happened that it was going to. Since she died I've seen her in her favorite spot numerous times, as well as seeing her walk across a room. She also frequently gets on the bed when I'm in bed. She will look at me or acknowlege me when I speak to her when I see her in her spot or walking across the room. I've also seen her grooming the cat that I still have. So she's not just an echo.
    You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


    • #17
      There were rumors that my previous bookstore was, but I was never able to get in there with an EMF meter to find out (also, too much interference from computers and the like so the readings would be useless).

      Present store, we don't know although there does seem to be "something" in the office (there are three old bricks on the floor way in the corner under some boxes, one night while closing I decided to move them, came back the next day and they were back where I had moved them from, no real evidence that a person had tried to get to them) ...I haven't been allowed to set up any low-tech detection to find out. I know both computers are possessed, but that's nothing new

      My grandmother's house is on what used to be a very large farm (original main house is still there); her plot is where a carriagehouse and pond used to be. Until a few years ago, my mom and I would see a lady in a black Victorian-style dress in and around the attic (first time I ran into her I was in the attic looking for something; waved and said "hi" and since then she only let herself be known when I was actually in the house).

      Haven't "seen" her in awhile. That house is perfect for taking EMF readings as there's almost nothing electronic up there, but since there's a live-in caretaker now I can't get upstairs to do it.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #18
        My dad used to teach back in the 1980's. In the building where he taught used to be a hospital during the Civil War. The basement was the morgue. There are countless hauntings in that building. Today, it is a middle school. I know of one story where in the second story girl's bathroom has a ghost. Writes messages on the mirrors.
        Gettysburg College, by any chance?

        Where I went to college, the alumi building (Victorian-era house) was said to be haunted by the wife of a college president from the turn of the century. She supposedly hung herself from the cupola.
        "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."


        • #19
          Nope, not Gettysburg College!

          This building is currently Madison Middle School in Richmond Kentucky. Soldiers who fought in the Battle of Richmond during the Civil War went to this building for medical care. The schools basement is insanely haunted because it used to be the morgue. Dad has heard screams and moaning. He has seen figures in white gowns walking.

          I personally have never set foot in this school. I went to another middle school in town. But from looking at the building sitting on top of that hill, it looks really creepy. I knew a girl from my church who went to that school said that she swears she was alone in the second floor girls bathroom. While in the stall, she heard fingers wiping on the mirrors. When she came out, there is condensation on the mirror and writings on the mirrors. I can't remember what the writings were. Girls would avoid using that bathroom.


          • #20
            The building I work in is new, but that doesn't mean it's not haunted. I work the night shift, meaning very few people are in the building at that time.

            I was in the ladies room and saw a woman come in (through the cracks near the door, you know what I mean) with dark hair that was pulled up in a bun.

            I leave the stall and see that no one else is in the bathroom! She couldn't have left without me seeing her.

            Another time, I walked into the other ladies room (there are two) and the paper towel dispenser goes off. It's one that you wave your hand in front of to get a paper towel, except I had just walked in behind a wall and it was on the other side of the restroom. I was the only one in there.

            I don't get freaked out, since I have had weird things happen around me since I was a little girl.

            I did security and worked in collections in another building. It's a very old building that is now being turned into condos. The elevators would be rung to different floors. Floors no one was on. The elevators would open up in front of me when I walked in and hadn't pushed the button yet.

            The top floor use to scare the holy hell out of me, which takes a lot. So, when I had to patrol up there I would do it as fast as I could. I would also call my husband and have him talk to me while I was up there. It scared me that much!

            The top floor was wired for sound and cameras are everywhere. Security would never turn the mics on or look at the cameras because if they did they would see people up there that were not up there and hear people mumbling up there. They would send a guard up there and the guard would never find anything, so they just disconnected the mics and cameras. The cleaning crew REFUSED to go up there.
            Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

            If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

            Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


            • #21
              Quoth Misanthropical View Post
              Another time, I walked into the other ladies room (there are two) and the paper towel dispenser goes off. It's one that you wave your hand in front of to get a paper towel, except I had just walked in behind a wall and it was on the other side of the restroom. I was the only one in there.
              We have those at my work too, and they constantly go off for no reason whatsoever. My boss came in the other day to find that the one behind the bar had dispensed the entire roll of paper towel onto the floor! I don't think it's spiritual interference so much as crappy wiring.

              I've worked at a couple jobs which were known to be haunted. The first was a family amusement centre I worked at. At the end of the night, one of us would go upstairs to tell the customers they had 10 minutes to use the rest of their tokens and cash out their tickets for prizes. More than once, right before we were about to lock the doors someone would see a red-haired child run back up the stairs and when they went to find the boy there was no one upstairs, nor had any of us seen him come back down.
              Also, in the go-kart track outside, the lights and fans would often come on by themselves after hours. One of my coworkers once reported that he even physically saw the light switch flip over by itself.

              One of the restaurants I worked at was also haunted. I named the spirit Barry and I don't believe he was malicious, he just liked to have a laugh with us. There was a few instances when I was the only one on the floor, cleaning behind the bar and I'd hear a crash come from the service area and go up to find cutlery on the floor. Once a pepper shaker flew off the shelf right as I turned my back after putting it away and smashed all over the floor. We also caught a jug sliding across the bar on camera, which we thought may have been caused by condensation but upon inspection the jug and the bar were both completely dry. And often when we were staying behind to have a pint after hours, we'd hear loud steps coming up the stairs.
              The story was that before the building was a restaurant, it was a night club (which is true) and that somebody was murdered on the dancefloor. I'm not sure if that was true, but it amuses me to think that Barry is a permanently drunk clubgear clad ghost.


              • #22
                Happy Otter Lover, I would have put it down to crappy wiring, if it happened all the time, but it only happened that one time.
                Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                • #23
                  I was at the bar the other night, went into the bathroom, and latched the door (it's just one of those swinging hooks, and I know I locked it because I'm extremely paranoid about my privacy.) As I was turning around to flush the toilet I heard a small metal 'CLINK!' I spun around, saying, "Occupied!" I hear no footsteps, no shuffling. And the door was unlatched. ...I'm used to weird things happening around me, so I said, "Can I at least get my damn pants up before you do that?"

                  I never worked anywhere haunted, but my fiance has. If anyone's ever worked maintenance at a bowling alley, then they know that it is an extremely dangerous job. But, luckily, no one at his bowling alley has been killed by the machines. However, a couple years earlier, someone had gone into that bolwing alley and murdered a bunch of people just kind of out of the blue. He'd have things like machines cutting on by themselves, the normal 'haunted' stuff, but one incident actually freak him out. He was sitting at the maintenance office desk, glancing at the camera to make sure he didnt have any calls (he could see the maintenance light turn on by view of camera). He looked up at one point and found the little TV had gone black. Not like it was turned off, but like someone was trying to cover the camera lens with their hand. The next moment, his chair was pulled out from under him.

                  He was the only one working in the back, and if any front person came in the back they'd likely get fired (since it's so dangerous and front peope have no on-machine training.) He said if he found that ghost he was going to kick its ass, because falling off the chair sure as hell hurt his.
                  Would you like a Stummies?


                  • #24
                    Quoth Happy Otter Lover View Post
                    We also caught a jug sliding across the bar on camera, which we thought may have been caused by condensation but upon inspection the jug and the bar were both completely dry. And often when we were staying behind to have a pint after hours, we'd hear loud steps coming up the stairs.
                    The story was that before the building was a restaurant, it was a night club (which is true) and that somebody was murdered on the dancefloor. I'm not sure if that was true, but it amuses me to think that Barry is a permanently drunk clubgear clad ghost.
                    Please, please tell me you still have the video...


                    • #25
                      I worked at this hotel several years ago. The banquet manager was murdered in the dining room by a disgrunted employee. After the murder, the clock in the dining room would just fly across the room. It was a big clock and it didn't simply fall off. This happened several times and was witnessed by people who didn't know the history of the place. I also got the creeps when I went into that dining room, even before I knew that happened in there.

                      At the movie theater, a woman supposedly haunted the place but I never witnessed anything.

                      At my current hotel, I work 3rd shift (sometimes 2nd when needed) and I haven't experienced anything. But one time, I thought I heard someone who wasn't there say my name, but that may have been my mind playing tricks on me. At night, when all is quiet, the littliest sound freaks me out sometime.


                      • #26
                        One of the dorm buildings on my campus has the washer and dryer in the basement. A few years ago, a girl went down there and hung herself. Ever since then there have been reports of cold spots and whispers. I would put that down to self-deception though--basements are scary at night, and a freshman away from home for the first time might jump on an old death story to explain it.

                        My old house had a basement that had been refitted to be an apartment for a renter. It had an open kitchenette, a bedroom, a bathroom, and the rest of the finished area was open. There was also an unfinished area that we used for storage, but that was closed. So, a total of three doors down there. My sister used to have a workshop in the bedroom down there, but after a year or so Mom rearranged all the bedrooms and I got the basement room. As we were moving stuff, Missy casually mentions to me that there's a ghost down here. I didn't think she was serious, so I just nodded.

                        Now, I'm a tad anal about little things. I have to leave things in the same place everytime. So before I went into my room, I turned off all the lights and closed all the doors. Then I would come back out and all the lights would be on and the doors would be open six inches or so. The door at the top of the stairs creaks awfully: I never heard it open, and it was always shut when I checked. One time, even the door to my bedroom was open when I turned around, but no one was there. I asked my family, but no one came down. It took me about a week to notice and get creeped out. Then I came out at 2 AM to use the bathroom and the door to the unfinished was open, light spilling out. I felt like a five-year-old again. I forced myself to go look, but nothing was wrong--the door was flat against the wall and both lights were on (separate switches). I used the bathroom and went back to bed with the door locked. Next morning I asked everyone, but they didn't know.

                        I asked Missy what she meant by a ghost, and she told me that there was a little girl down there who didn't like being left alone in the dark. She never bothered anyone, she just hung out. So I started leaving the doors open 1 inch and leaving the lights on in the unfinished. I was never bothered again. And I never felt scared down there again, either--not sure if that was psychological relief, or if the ghost had been trying to make herself heard.
                        "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                        "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                        • #27
                          I've never had any experiences with spirits or ghosts or anything, but a friend of mine has told me plenty of scary, creepy stories. She lives in a really old house close to downtown Cleveland. Apparently her brother's room is haunted by an older woman. She told me once that she was sleeping in bed when she woke up suddenly in the middle of the night to see a green glowing hand curl around the door and beckon her out into the hallway.

                          She's also told me that when she's on the computer in her brother's room she's constantly glancing into the closet because she can see someone sitting there out of the corner of her eye. Her brother hates talking about it but has mentioned that there are plenty of other creepy things that have happened in that room and that someone does basically live in the closet.


                          In college there were also several stories of ghosts. One I can remember is of a dancer who jumped over a railing in our small theater and fell into a large fountain in the lobby, spearing herself on the fountain as it was a tall and pointy shaft. From then on the fountain ran red and it never turned on anymore.


                          • #28
                            The concert venue I do security at his haunted. To give a little history on the place it was orignally built in 1893 and it was the most successful resort built in the area at the time with trains servicing the area on a regular bases. It was intended from the beginning as the Western counterpart to Coney Island. was one of the first amusement parks, and for a time was the most popular family destination west of New York. The orignial building was destroyed by fire in 1925, it was rebuilt and became know more as a dance place then an amusment park. Again it caught fire in 1931 and 1933 then was shut down due to world war 2. After that the venue has pretty much only been open for concerts and special events. In 1970 a fire was set in the middle of the floor and burned the building to the ground again. The building as rebuilt in 1981 constructed out of a salvaged Air Force aircraft hangar, but building is next to a lake and flooded months after it was re-opened. Concerts and other events have been held at the newest facility, but by the end of the 1990s

                            Ok so that history was longer then I planned, but I guess you could say the building is cursed. When I have been there alone you can hear an old fashioned phone ringing from the rafters. You can also hear some of the old big bands from the 1930's. I have seen a little girl running around and can hear children laughing. There is also an erie precense in different areas of the building and places I refuse to go into alone because of the feeling I get.

                            But one of the funniest stories about the place, My husband and I where out there one night explaining the history of the place to some new staff that said they had been hearing weird things. The ringtone on my husbands phone is a girl wishpering his name. So while he was talking to the crew I had wandered to take care of some stuff and had to ask him something so I called his call phone. The crew freaked out when they heard a girl wishpering his name until they realized it was his cell phone. We all had a good laugh.


                            • #29
                              Quoth princess4life View Post
                              Again it caught fire in 1931 and 1933 then was shut down due to world war 2.
                              WWII broke out on September 1st, 1939.
                              USA didn't join the war until Pearl Harbour, which was in December of 1941.
                              I fail to see the connection.
                              In my head 1933 is associated with the New Deal, but I also fail to notice any connection between it and your venue.
                              Mind to elaborate on the topic a bit?
                              Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr


                              • #30
                                Quoth PaRaGaS View Post
                                WWII broke out on September 1st, 1939.
                                USA didn't join the war until Pearl Harbour, which was in December of 1941.
                                I fail to see the connection.
                                In my head 1933 is associated with the New Deal, but I also fail to notice any connection between it and your venue.
                                Mind to elaborate on the topic a bit?
                                add commas...

                                it was had fires in 1931, and then 1933, and then shut down because of WWII, i think they were 3 seperate incidents she was talking about.

