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To leave or not to leave?

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  • To leave or not to leave?

    Here's the situation:

    I've been cashiering for three years now. I have never come up this short on a floor register before, and again, while it is human to err, I would like to think that I would have noticed giving away $69. I've been stressing about this for the past two days, and called in yesterday to tell them I was really uncomfortable handling cash right now, and the situation still hadn't been called in to corporate since no one was in their office due to the MLK holiday. A bit of background: last summer I was short on the service desk because I transposed numbers on a payroll check when cashing it. I tendered it for $160 instead of the $106 that it really was. I was written up and the form said that if I was more than $50 on a register again, I would be pulled off the tills altogether, and this mistake cost me my supervisor status.

    I was supposed to work from three to close today, but attempted to call in and tell them that I was just done with this line of work altogether, no hard feelings, but I would not be back anymore. Store manager answered the phone and after I explained, the first thing he said was "LB, I don't think you took that money if that's what you're afraid of. Some people have a knack for cash handling, but we honestly know you didn't take it."

    On one point I was extremely relieved and it's really nice to know that they're not accusing me of theft, but I still don't know how I could possibly have lost that much cash and not remembered it, and also I was not there to witness the counting of that particular till. SM told me that he could put me in the deli or bakery if I liked, and that he could put me on LOA for a few weeks to think it over instead of just leaving. Which in the long run, I'm sure will look better on my job history anyways, even if I do end up leaving. But it's pretty much definite that I've been yanked from register forever, and with the reasoning, I'm sure that no manager in their right mind is going to touch me with a ten foot pole when it comes to trusting me on cash.

    The thing is, I'm adamant that I did not make that error, but I'm being held accountable for it just the same. And for the record, no, I did NOT sign any papers stating that I did so, nor do I plan to. But I really, really want to get out of retail, and that goes pretty much without saying here. Bakery and/or deli would still be on the same level of customer service I was doing before, so there would still be suckage, and I've had food jobs in the past in which I was always told I was 'too slow'. I have some money in savings to cover my bills for a few months, and my parents are willing to back me up since I still live at home. I was thinking I could finally get my butt over to the local community college and take some courses that would qualify me for an office job of some sort.

    Should I just leave my WD job altogether and look into bettering myself for a better job, or take SM up on his offer?
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

  • #2
    I would never leave my job until I had a new one lined up. You have you savings, but if the worst should happen and you couldn't find another job then they might run out. I would take the job on the deli and start looking for another job.
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


    • #3
      I agree. Take the deli/whatever job and move on.

      as a side note I once had $105 dollars go missing from my till. I didn't take it. But I wasn't the only person to use the till that day. I also refused to sign the write-up saying it was my fault because they couldn't prove it was.

      I work cash there for another year before I switch positions for a change of sceneary.


      • #4
        After hearing all these write up stories, I am incredibly happy that no company I have ever worked with while being a cashier did this write up crapolooza.

        It was usually found within 48 hours to be someone elses (80% of the time my supervisors) fault I was out anyway. The other 20% was was co-workers stealing during trade shifts. Which was still kind of supervisors fault anyway for making us share a till.

        I would not take kindly to someone blaiming me for said fucktopia. It sounds to me like a supervisor error really.

        But go for the Delhi/whatever job until you find something else. Your Sliiiightly less desperate while looking for new jobs then... which helps bundles for picking out a GOOD new job (or at least better) then any ol' thing that comes along.

        Either way, I wish you good luck. From one fled Cashier Clerk to a(potential)nother.

