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I HATE full moons....

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  • I HATE full moons....

    Well, I don't have anything against the moon itself. I just don't like the effects it has. Honestly...spend some time around kids and you'll learn that there's a LOT of truth to the full moon thing (everything's weirder when there's a full moon).

    It's Thursday, we didn't have school Monday (MLK Day), and I'm ready to just...grr!!

    Tuesday: They were pretty good...nothing major. I did send one kid to eat at a different table because he was spinning his water bottle around without a top on it. It made a mess and coated half of the lunch table. He's sitting by himself for the rest of the year (NOT his first....or second....or like 10th time pulling a stunt like this).
    One of my kids in my group also sat by himself (for like the 5th day in a row) because he echoes, mimics/imitates, questions, and comments on EVERYTHING
    I do or say. It's absolutely infuriating!

    • A fifth grader (10-11 y/o) wanted to "see what would happen" if he squoze (past tense of squeeze) a milk. We have milks that look somewhat like this: They're cardboard. What do you THINK is gonna happen, genius? went everywhere. He had to clean it up AND clear the entire table of the class' trash and wipe the table. Science experiment? I think not.
    • I had to stop two arm wrestling tournaments that were taking place ACROSS the lunch table. Y'know...the things they have food on? One tournament was real close to a couple kids getting a new paint job in the form of chicken sandwiches and ketchup. Lovely.
    • Kid in my group sat by himself again. I gave him an ultimatum that if it happens again, he WILL bring a note home to mom, and she won't be happy.
    Today (Thursday):
    • Our media specialist has requested that there be no media books at the lunch tables. The reasoning is pretty obvious - kids are really good at feeding things other than their mouths...especially in close proximity. I announced this to the 5th graders (one class in particular had a lot of books), and asked them to put them on the floor, or if they're big enough, put them on the seat and sit on them. One kid evidently didn't hear me (i.e. not paying attention), so I helped him listen. There's a cast here:

      Me: Me, evil teacher
      M: lalalala...can't hear you!
      C: our scientist from yesterday.

      Me: M...did you not just hear what I said? No media center books at the lunch table. Not that hard, dude.
      M: It's mine!
      Me: Prove it. I want to see the cover. (our media center books have a barcode on the front cover...not rocket science).
      C: It says 'your mom' on the cover.
      Me: (sternly, and pointing in the general direction) **Name of assistant principal**, NOW! I will be right behind you to explain what you did to find yourself in his office. Go. And throw your trash away. I'm not your mama.

      Gah! This kid is SO obnoxious....
    • Remember the arm wrestling from yesterday? I had a PARENT arm wrestling at the lunch table with her kid, in front of the rest of the class. They, in true monkey-see-monkey-do fashion, began to imitate. I hit the lights to make them be quiet (they were at an incredible volume too), and let them have it.

      me: "There will be NO arm wrestling in this cafeteria. Come on guys, you're in third, fourth, and fifth grades! (roughly ages 8-11) You know better than that. And if you need something, do you just get up and get it? [insert chorus of "nooooo"]. Ok stay in your seat and raise your hand, right? [chorus of "yeeeeeeessss"]. Next....the volume guys? Come on. It's ridiculous. There is no reason at all why it should be SO loud in here. It's not even Friday, and we didn't have school Monday. Your volume is here (hand above my head). We need to bring it down to here (hand around my thigh level). Capisce (sp?) ? [them: capisce]"

      I mean...holy cow the volume was outrageous. gah!
    • Another one of our problem fifth graders also thought it would be funny to let out a blood-curdling yell/scream/holler. He was promptly taken to the assistant principal and made forced encouraged to write an apology note to his teacher for the comment he made (she won't do anything to me...she never does).
    Aaaaah! And they're typically pretty rowdy on Fridays. We'll see tomorrow. SO looking forward to Saturday....
    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Proverbs 22:6

  • #2
    At least you're not in charge of high-schoolers. This reminds me of a story about something my friends and I used to do in the cafeteria during lunch.

    We used to do the following:
    • Drink contents of a 20-ounce bottle of soda (usually Mountain Dew)
    • Screw cap loosely on empty bottle
    • Lay bottle on table
    • Punch middle of bottle with our fists, causing the cap to shoot across the table or into the air.

    One day we got the bright idea to make a ramp with some books, put the empty bottle on the ramp with the cap facing up the incline and give 'er hell. Result: the cap shot across the cafeteria and landed in the lunchroom monitor's curly hair while she was bent over her desk doing something.

    She never figured out that we were the ones who did it, and we got rid of the evidence.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      lol....they didn't have lunchroom monitors when I was in high school. We were pretty much in charge of ourselves. Although, it's kind of hard to be in charge when half of the school eats lunch outside spread around the courtyard (with 3500 kids and year-round warmth for the most part, it worked well )

      Also, I'm planning on moving to high school next year (which'll kinda suck in the beginning because I'm 22 but can easily pass for 16). I have teeth though, and I'm not afraid to use them. I can be downright MEAN at times (I have to hold my tongue in elementary school so I don't make anyone cry lol)
      Last edited by thegiraffe; 01-24-2008, 10:43 PM.
      Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

      Proverbs 22:6


      • #4
        When I taught (marketing and business...High school level)...I had to break up a fight where one student bashed another student in the head with a clay pot. all that blood....everywhere....scared the heck out of me. Then the student who hit the other one with the pot had the nerve to tell the principal that I touched him innapropriately trying to pull him off the other student (my orientation was known among the students somehow). The principal told him to shutup and notified him that he would be going before the schoolboard for an expulsion hearing.
        "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney

