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Sad and Disturbing

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  • #16
    I'd have hit him. Getting fired or written up, I don't care, I would have hit him in the face.

    That's why one of my cats has three legs, before we got her, when she was a stray, she crawled up in a car for warmth and I think one of the belts pulled her leg off. Luckily, the owner of the car wasn't a worthless excuse for a human being that deserves to be caught up in so many car parts like that guy, took her to my fiance's dad's office (he's a vet), and now she's a little troublemaker. But I love her.
    Would you like a Stummies?


    • #17
      That's just sad, and that customer was an asshole. I love cats.

      Now, for a story that's not so sad...

      Stray cats were always showing up at my grandma's house from before I was born, up until I was a teenager. She'd always feel sorry for them and put food out, but she'd never round them up and get them fixed. Inevitably, they'd reproduce, and eventually the cat population would get out of control. When that happened, she'd round them up and take them to a farm somewhere to live.

      She told me a story about this one that apparently really did not want to go. After she dropped off the latest batch of cats, she got back in her car and headed home. Unknown to her, one of them climbed up into the frame of the car and hitched a ride back with her. After she got home, parked the car, and got out, the cat climbed down from the inside of the car and just looked at her smugly. She just looked at him, smiled, and said, "You win!" She decided that if he wanted to come back that badly, he could stay.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


      • #18
        Mike, that story's just too cute for words.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #19
          I live on the farm where the city folks go to drop of their cats (without my permission, they just appear in my yard)

          I have an old van that has rust holes in the back fender wells and the cats are forever climbing up inside it. I've taken a cat or two to work unwittingly. They have to hang out in the ladies room until it's time to go home.

          I would have belted (litteraly) that guy for laughing.


          • #20
            Quoth MadMike View Post
            She decided that if he wanted to come back that badly, he could stay.
            Okay, you asked for it....



            • #21
              What a sick little SOB! I hope that poor kitty lived despite everything.

              EDIT: Now I'm afraid my cat will climb up into one of our car engines.
              Last edited by Dark-Star; 02-02-2008, 02:22 PM.


              • #22
                YEARS ago, when I was but a little tiny ghostie, there was an incident with one of my cats that has gone down in the annals of family history as the "dead cat story". Also found filed under the "Make sure it's dead" story.

                At the time, we were living up north...ok, North Carolina. Furthest north I've been :P sue me. Either way, this was during a really COLD winter. My cat, Pepe had managed to get himself squeezed up in my mom's car hood to get warm. Well Mom, in a quick rush to check on my grandfather who was at the time in the hospital, (he'd taken a bit of a turn then) runs out and starts the car, only to hear this horrific racket coming from under the hood. Thump thump thump yowl thump thud, thunk. ANd then a lifeless white body drops from under the car in a heap.

                Mom panics. She's killed my cat! So being the responsible parent, mom did the right thing. She covered pepe over with a rug and told dad to deal with it.

                Bout an hour later, with barely anything on, dad pads out barefooted into the carport to deal with "the evidence." Lifting the edge of the rug, Dad is shocked when fur flying, a bloodied snow white cat comes from under said rug yowling at the top of its lungs. Pepe, not dead and not happy about things, procedes to climb my father's leg, his sharp claws leaving many marks. Then, once he was satisfied his point was made, the cat bounded off. Dad never quite recovered from that, having a lingering distrust of cats in general, especially those covered in rugs.

                In short: We figure pepe had been knocked out by the fan, and then he'd gotten warm under the rug. When dad lifted it, it ticked off the cat and he reacted.
                Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                • #23
                  I swear, if people like him cant treat animals right, then mabey he cant even treat people like us right. This reminds me when i went to chilie (in south america) where i would either see dead dogs or cats out on the street. I really wanted to get out of the place.

