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Giving Wal-Mart a 2nd chance

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  • Giving Wal-Mart a 2nd chance

    My temp job that I've had since April ends next Friday so I've been putting in job applications. Believe it or not I applied online for a position with Wal-Mart! I quit there back in mid April after being a cashier for over 2 years. Got tired of the crap.
    So why am I applying there again? I figured "why the hell not?" BUT this time I put down for maintenance-where you take care of the trash, scrub the toilets & other things. So IF I am hired then I can walk around & not be stuck to one place like I had been when I was a cashier. & if a customer gives me shit then I can turn around & walk away from
    I'll be surprised IF I am hired again. What do you think my chances are?
    Last edited by Bright_Star; 02-01-2008, 12:28 AM.

  • #2
    Depends on the circumstances under which you left the first time. Two weeks notice, politely, etc.? Probably okay, if you got good reviews.

    Left in the middle of your shift, swearing the whole way? Never. And not even then.

    The big thing will be having given proper notice to quit. If you did that, there shouldn't be many issues.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      If your Wal*Mart is anything like the hellhole store I work for (not Wal*Mart but similar) you shouldn't have any problems getting rehired.

      Several years ago I worked with a young girl who was absolutely worthless. All she did all day was stand around and flirt with the guys. They fired her and put in her records: DO NOT REHIRE.

      About 1 year later, they rehired her for the same dept.

      Luckily, she decided she didn't want to work there and never showed up.

      Retail Haiku:
      Depression sets in.
      The hellhole is calling me ~
      I don't want to go.


      • #4
        Wal Mart policy states that if you didn't leave 2 weeks notice you are not rehireable

        but if you left proper notice, and were semi-competant, it shouldn't be an issue unless you did something to piss off any managers that may interview you


        • #5
          I think it depends both on the store and hiring management. At my store, employees who (from my point of view) were good workers and left under decent conditions were not allowed back and had to go to a different store if they wanted to work at Wal-Mart. At the same time, my store has hired people who have stolen from Wal-Mart in the past, in the efforts of giving them a second chance. Though I applaud their efforts, retail is, in my opinion, not the place you want to hire people with known sticky fingers. Especially if they had already stolen from our company before. And guess who was arrested recently for stealing over $4000.00? Note: This is just the one example I know of. Perhaps there are other fine employees who have turned their lives around and are thankful for the chance Wal-Mart gave them. Just saying I wouldn't have hired them either way.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            It depends on the employer. People who have been fired before have been rehired at the factory. Maybe they think no one will notice?
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

