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Maybe I'm jaded... (long)

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  • Maybe I'm jaded... (long)

    Something that has been coming up at work quite often lately for me is a small difference of opinion. This is not causing any arguments or anyone not to see eye to eye, it just has me often times making a decision differently than someone else.

    I work in Technical Support (read returns) as a tier 2 (top tier for us) and answer support tickets that are opened for customers doing call backs and troubleshooting and the like. We are a smaller call center so Tier 1 and 2 alike handle grunt work.

    Policy: For reference our policy goes like this: The cell phone is under warranty for 120 days no questions asked. If physical damage is admitted or can be proven then the warranty is void. Otherwise we will replace the phone free of charge providing you ship the broken one to us.

    If the phone is out of warranty we can offer an upgrade for 50% off the price of a new phone. (This particular policy is the sticking point, and the reason for this post)

    To give a recent example, we had a customer who had her phone for just shy of six months and called in to open a trouble ticket. The exact not on the ticket was "The phone is broken." Upon calling this customer she admitted that the phone was dropped and had shattered. One of our newer tier one agents asked me how we should proceed here. My response was to say that since the phone was physically damaged warranty would not have covered it, and its nearly 60 days past the 120 day warranty so it would not have been covered anyway. This was a first time happening for this customer. My judgment call, life sucks, she needs to buy a new phone.

    Being that he was near helping someone else out I asked the opinion of the guy that trained me for the Tier 2 position. His response was go ahead and give her the half off discount for a new phone.

    This is really a sticking point for me, and often times I end up saying no where he would say yes. My biggest beef is we are basically rewarding the customer in the above example for breaking her phone.

    The same applies to investigating potential billing errors where the customer says a call never connected. I had one today where the customer was repeatedly calling an 800 number, "To check his minutes." He claimed the call never connected. In looking over the account calls to the said 800 number were connecting at least 50% of the time. I also called it and the number was for the Ohio lottery association which had an automated recording picking up after 1 ring. In the end I denied the credit. He asked me for a supervisor (which in essence I am at this point) so I told him no he would not be speaking to anyone else, and explained my standing. IE 50% of the calls are going through, there are evidence of calls that were not charged when calling this number. There is also a recording that picks up right away so clearly there is no error and the times that you are being charged for calling this number must be correct. He cursed me out and hung up on me.

    Make no mistake these are not the only examples and there are some extremes where the customer in question is a repeat breaker/loser/complainer etc. and someone still ends up offering the discount or crediting them more often than not.

    The answer when I ask why is "Customer retention." To which I just balk further and ask do we really want to be retaining some of these repeat offenders?

    Anyway, my whole reason for posting/ranting is I'm curious as to what the opinions of others are on this situation. Am I just jaded or is there no point where its going to far to try and retain a customer?

  • #2
    you are not jaded-wait let me qualify that-you are no more jaded than I am. you basicily do the same job I do-and while reading the notes on some accts that come for review-I get very angry at the floor agents/customers. Agents for falling for the "sob story"(which is either refuted by the evidence or previous acct notes from scamming credits), or the ever horrible threat "customer threatened to churn". I don't give in to threats, I'm paid not to, the other sups will normally cave, but I have the power to override their decisions, as technically according to the company I work for-I'm above them-they answer to me, and I answer to the client only(we're outsourced)

    so if you ever need/want to vent about stupidity/"credit junkies" or the reps that promise the customer anything to get them off the phone, pm me and I'll send you my IM contact information

    ETA-I've actually seen an account where a customer called in 27 times in one day to attempt to scam a credit for valid charges, reading the notes to see how the lies mutated over the course of the calls was vaguely amusing.(started with just having a baby, progressed to at some point every member of her family including said newborn, who rapidly aged to two years old having inoperable brain cancer/dying in a car crash/murdered in a drive by, and there were several misscarriages mixed in as well)-last notes were(in the hot remarks no less)-"customer is either lying, has horrible Karma or is hated by the elder Gods-pick one"
    Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 02-01-2008, 12:48 AM.
    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


    • #3
      Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
      last notes were(in the hot remarks no less)-"customer is either lying, has horrible Karma or is hated by the elder Gods-pick one"

      Oh, I want to meet the person who wrote that!!!
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        BlaqueKatt, I just had the best laugh I've had in MONTHS. Thanks a million for sharing that!!!


        • #5
          You're not jaded. If you are, then so am I. I spent three years in the cell phone industry. "Customer Retention" is a freaking religion with those people. They don't care if the customer is a giant PITA from hell. At the end of each financial quarter or whatever, they want to have that magical low turnover percentage. That way they can shake their finger and do the nah-nah-nah-boo-boo dance at their competetors. It's all about numbers. Not quality customers, but that they are still there.

          I feel your pain though. I dealt with that industry for far too long.
          I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....


          • #6
            Not that it has to do anything with cell phones specifically, but I tend to get offended when companys try to retain me.

            I cancelled a credit card a few weeks ago because they weren't sending me bills on time (or at all) then charging me late fees that I had to call and get dropped. No scam either, I had a bill due 12/10 postmarked 12/12 show up on 12/14, how am I supposed to pay that?

            I call to cancel and they say "Oh, your rate is very high (duh), it appears to be an itroductory rate, I can knock that down"

            So I've been paying a 22% interest (all I could get at 18) card, when I could have gotten 14%, nope now I want to leave you even more.

            If there is a new, permanent, thing shouldn't you have to tell everyone about it?


            • #7
              Quoth Chanlin View Post
              The answer when I ask why is "Customer retention." To which I just balk further and ask do we really want to be retaining some of these repeat offenders?
              The big bummer is how much this numbers dance on the part of these companies cost ME. I don't scam, I pay on time, I'm low maintenance. But every bill I pay, cell phone, grocery, taxes, etc. is HIGHER because supervisors give in. As a GOOD customer, I want the scammers and EWs weeded out - then I won't have to keep paying for their freebies.


              • #8
                Quoth sms001 View Post
                As a GOOD customer, I want the scammers and EWs weeded out - then I won't have to keep paying for their freebies.
                Amen to that.

                @ BK - Its good to know someone else out there (quite a few people in fact by the replies) that feels the same way I do.


                • #9
                  Quoth BeckySunshine View Post

                  Oh, I want to meet the person who wrote that!!!
                  no, no you don't he is the bane of my existance(he's one of my reps that I've had to resort to BlaqueKatt's patented "coaching through fear" technique, poor kid is now slightly neurotic, and either flinches or cowers when I'm around)

                  Other gems from the same rep-
                  "customer's phone was stolen and is being used by evil thieves in the woods"
                  "I think the guy that sold the customer her phone is in the mafia"
                  "reason for credit: Whoops!!!"
                  Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                  • #10
                    Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                    Other gems from the same rep-
                    "customer's phone was stolen and is being used by evil thieves in the woods"
                    "I think the guy that sold the customer her phone is in the mafia"
                    "reason for credit: Whoops!!!"

                    Sorry, BK...I still think I wanna marry him. Flinching and all.

                    The 'evil thieves in the woods' made me spit my diet coke on my keyboard, damnit.
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                      no, no you don't he is the bane of my existance(he's one of my reps that I've had to resort to BlaqueKatt's patented "coaching through fear" technique, poor kid is now slightly neurotic, and either flinches or cowers when I'm around)
                      Awwwwwwwww. {pouts} Can I at least peek around a corner when he's cowering?
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        Quoth sms001 View Post
                        As a GOOD customer, I want the scammers and EWs weeded out - then I won't have to keep paying for their freebies.

                        As for the main topic: since coming here, I've started saying things like '- and I need this* because we're having financial hassles. The reason for the hassles would probably bore you to tears, so unless you need it I'll spare you that.'

                        * where 'this' is something like making arrangements to pay a bill late

                        I get a kind of relieved laugh sometimes. It feels like the other person is actually happy to have someone who isn't producing a sob story.

                        (Actually, my RL situation right now does feel kind of like the MASH episode where the Colonel flips through Klinger's file. 'Half the family dying, other half pregnant'. But really, all the person on the other end of the phone wants to know is 'when do I expect to be able to pay the bill'.)
                        Seshat's self-help guide:
                        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Myra View Post
                          You're not jaded. If you are, then so am I. I spent three years in the cell phone industry. "Customer Retention" is a freaking religion with those people. They don't care if the customer is a giant PITA from hell.
                          When I become CEO of the cable company, my first official act will be eliminating the retention department. I'm going to walk into my office for the first time, sit at my desk, and pull the plug. Then I'll take the rest of the day off.

                          I came to this conclusion while listening to retention calls for several days... but that's another thread (which I may start when I finally get over the experience).
                          I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler

