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I finally went and did it...

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  • I finally went and did it...

    I finally applied for my first "real" job since Bagel Hell. And it's not even that "real" of a job.

    Where, you ask? Another restaurant? Following my bartending dream? No. The nearest bartending job that will train people up from "no bar experience" is about thirty miles away, and will not release any information on their required shifts and/or policies. (It's at a hotel restaurant, but that's all I have to go on.)

    No, I've applied to be an Area Security Supervisor with my university's Residence Hall Security department. Basically I'll be one notch above the front-line Security Monitors who check student ID's and sign people into and out of the dorms, and one notch below the Residential Area Organizers. I'll be about level with a dispatcher, but that should only be my duty occasionally. Most of the time I should be patrolling my area, signing in people who are under 17 (Sec Mon's can't do it themselves per policy), escorting people when required, reporting any disturbances via radio and making sure that all the doors in my assigned area are locked and alarmed. And checking in on the Security Monitors, taking their sign-in sheets, and covering them when they go for breaks.

    That's if I get the job. But since they're hiring and it's something I'm interested in doing, I figured why not? And I need money for paintball anyway, since the season is restarting soon. (And I'm in charge of fixing the team's website and getting it carried over to the university's new server. )

    Any advice from anyone who's worked similar jobs? This includes horror stories if there are any to be had.
    "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper

  • #2
    I lived in college dorms for 3 years while I was in college.

    Lets'll have to deal with:

    -drunk people
    -students who neeeeeeed to have someone come up, even if they're already at their visitor limit (we didn't have visitor limits, but a lot of people would have so many people in their dorms that it was likely a health/fire hazard)
    -drunk people
    -other residents complaining about said drunk people, or those who like their music and subwoofer SO much that they just have to share it with the rest of the floor.
    -furniture being moved/stolen from lobbies
    -skateboarding in the hallways (bonus points for it being 2am)
    -broken windows (the building I lived in at USF is a hurricane shelter...the windows are uber strong) from 'wrestling'
    -basically idiotic behavior'll probably meet some really neat residents, but college students are among the stupidest and most self-centered people to ever walk the earth.

    Good luck!
    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Proverbs 22:6


    • #3
      Oh, I'm well aware. I've lived in the dorms since fall of '06 and have seen enough mayhem and destruction to know better than to have to deal with it. I'll be responsible for the stuff that happens outside the dorms, as well as what happens at the front doors when students try to get in, so I won't have to worry about the destruction or the noise complaints. That's the RAs' jobs and/or the RD's job.

      I will have to deal with drunk people, and people who neeeeed to sign in more than the allowed number (4 people per student, only 2 of which can stay overnight, and no more than 10 students in a room at a time makes the math pretty easy with two roommates). I have no sympathy for people who can't sign in enough friends or who chicane their floormates to sign friends in for them, especially not after getting in trouble (not written up but talked to by the RA) for signing in two of my suite-mates' friends who then went on to cause trouble along with said suite-mate.

      The biggest perks for me are the hours (nights and weekends, aka when I'm not in class and might likely otherwise be doing unproductive or counterproductive stuff), the ability to shut down the drunk idiots who try to wheedle their way into buildings or try to use fake ID's to get into dorm buildings (why bother? so you don't have to get signed in by the supervisor for being <17? wtf?), or who are blatantly causing trouble outside the buildings.

      I may sound vindictive and ranty, but I have an excuse. One of the girls living on the floor below mine was pounding on the door next to mine (I'm on a corner so this is literally <30cm from my door) shouting "I'm drunk and my roommate's stupid boyfriend is sleeping in our room so I need to sleep over! Let me the f*ck in! And I can't believe I had sex with *so and so* I'm such a whore! F*cking open the door!" (and so on and so forth) last night. From 3AM until after 4.

      The pounding (which sounded like it was coming from my own door at first) woke me up, and then I had to listen to this idiot's pathetic "home wrecking" sex life and all the times she's cheated on her boyfriends and how she's had "so much sex" with guys who are in relationships and yadda yadda yaaaaaaaa (BLAM). And I think I know who the perpetrator is. And if I'm right then she's from my town. Way to give us a good name, bitch. [/ranty]
      "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


      • #4
        You know, reading posts like these make me glad that I don't live in the dorms. I had enough experience dealing with idiots when I went to Michigan State (A plethora of stories itself) but I'm not surprised that those sort of things goes on. Good luck if you get it.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          Actually, living in the dorms is great for someone like me, who either (A) doesn't have a car or (B) has trouble meeting new people. Yea, you get the drunken idiots at 3 AM, but luckily I live two doors down from a girl who has an 8 AM class and isn't afraid to tell people off for waking her up.
          "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

          "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


          • #6
            Quoth thegiraffe View Post
            I lived in college dorms for 3 years while I was in college.
  'll probably meet some really neat residents, but college students are among the stupidest and most self-centered people to ever walk the earth.

            Good luck!
            Exactly why I'm still in my parent's basement. I could not stand to deal with the shenanigans that go on @ college dorms. I. Would. Snap.


            • #7
              Quoth Dark-Star View Post
              Exactly why I'm still in my parent's basement. I could not stand to deal with the shenanigans that go on @ college dorms. I. Would. Snap.
              Is it wrong for me to be rooting for you to go into the dorms JUST so I could video someone snapping?

              Come's been a really slow winter and I'm bored....
              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


              • #8
                Quoth Sylvia727 View Post
                Actually, living in the dorms is great for someone like me, who either (A) doesn't have a car or (B) has trouble meeting new people.
                Have a car but meeting people has never been a problem for me at all. But I can see your point. I actually considered transferring schools to live in a dorm but did some thinking and then told myself no.
                The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

