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Not a complaint, not bragging. Long

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  • Not a complaint, not bragging. Long

    I started at my current job about 6-7 months ago. This was all just supposed to be a part-time job to help me pay bills while I'm going to school full-time.

    They now have me working anywhere between 30-40 hours a week. Tomorrow will mark day 12 in a row that I've worked. Supervisors from other departments are trying to steal me away from my current department. Needless to say, I think they're pretty happy with my performance.

    They will be opening another store on the south side of town, a little bit smaller than the one I'm working in. At first there were just talks of me being a Senior for the department, which would be really cool. It's full-time with some leadership responsibility, but it's not like being the Supervisor. After they had me talk with corporate (for some reason corporate loves me), they're now thinking Supervisor. Which would be OK, if I weren't a full-time college student.

    So, I should be happy, right? When hours are being slashed across the store, supervisors are willing to give me their hours because they want the numbers in their departments to improve. I'm the 3rd highest paid person in my department, I'm 5th on the seniority list. I'm in line for a leadership role in a new store.

    Why am I not completely thrilled? Because I'm starting to sense some animosity between myself and other coworkers. I really don't ask for this, I don't. I'm not bragging about my hours. I stay pretty quiet when I do have a great day. This actually pisses off my managers to a degree, because they like to know how sales are looking almost all the time. But, I choose not to showboat, because it's not my style. So, when my coworkers see the schedules and see that I'm being scheduled in their departments taking hours away from them, I have a feeling it'll only get worse.

    I don't work with a single person that I would really call a slacker or anything of the sort. Everyone really has their strengths, that's for sure. A lot of people really try hard with their sales pitches, but don't have the success that I seem to have. You can't fault anyone for trying, that's all that should be asked of anyone on the floor. I just seem to have more success and the managers and supervisors just want to capitalize on it all. I don't blame them at all for wanting to improve their numbers, just like I don't blame people for being mad that their hours are being cut.

    I'm the quietest person in the store. And at first, it was taken as a lack of enthusiasm to be there. I really like my job, I'm just soft spoken. You don't have to be loud and off the wall for customers to like you. I just offer a sincere smile, I shake their hands and I introduce myself to them. I ask for their names, ask how their day is going... and I use their names often. It shows that you've taken a personal interest in them, and that helps a lot. It's also the key to all my success there...
    When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?

  • #2
    Politics and understanding people are things that will serve you well later in life. Your co-irkers being unhappy because you make them look slow and stupid can be fixed. You just have to learn how to put on a mask. Act as "one of them". Grouse, complain and whine. TO THEM.

    To the managers, smile and nod. Slip them a note every now and then, let them know when sales are good.

    This assumes you give a damn what other people think. Me, I'd say the HELL with the whiney bastards, let em be jealous or actually WORK for a change..

    But that's just me..


    • #3
      Quoth Crazeyal View Post
      Politics and understanding people are things that will serve you well later in life. Your co-irkers being unhappy because you make them look slow and stupid can be fixed. You just have to learn how to put on a mask. Act as "one of them". Grouse, complain and whine. TO THEM.
      I wouldn't call anyone of my coworkers a co-irker, just because I don't see them that way. I kind of just like being left alone to do my own thing... not worry about anyone else. So, I'm not going to complain to anyone. I keep to myself, I've made friends... but it's on a friendship basis. I don't talk shop with them if I don't have to. When it comes to my work, I hate being evaluated, even thought I get really good reviews all the time. I just like to go do my work and be done with it. I get it done and move on. That's all.
      When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


      • #4
        Quoth Fashion Lad! View Post
        When it comes to my work, I hate being evaluated, even thought I get really good reviews all the time.
        Umm... you're going to be evaluated at every job you work at. Every day of your life. Even if you start working for yourself, your customers are going to evaluate you. There is no way around it, unless you want to become a subsistience farmer, with all the problems that brings. And there shouldn't be any reason around it: competition is supposed to be an incentive to improve yourself. Or occasionally, failure to be able to improve yourself is a hint that you probably need a different job. This part sucks when it happens, but is usually a good thing after you've found that other job.

        As for the immediate problem... it's February. You're going to have hours cut, just because of normal spending trends. A few employees will leave for various reasons, and hours will go back up across the board. It will solve itself shortly.

        As for the jealousy... there are a few different ways to approach it. I'm usually in favor of just ignoring it. In times like this, I find out who I really want to consider a friend, and who I want to just consider an acquaintance. If they start bitching about me because of my success/their failure (even if they didn't do anything particularly to be labeled "failure"), then I'm not all that enthusiastic about having them as a friend. I'll still be civil when I'm around them, but if they're going to blame me for something that's not my problem or fault, they're not the type of person I want to hang around with.


        • #5
          Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
          Umm... you're going to be evaluated at every job you work at. Every day of your life. Even if you start working for yourself, your customers are going to evaluate you. There is no way around it, unless you want to become a subsistience farmer, with all the problems that brings.
          Umm... yeah, see, I realize that. My customers give me great reviews, and those are the only people that matter. I'm always 90-100% with them. I just don't like a manager looking over my should a few days every month to evaluate me... it bothers me. I do well, and I know they're just doing their job. I still just hate being watched. That's all.
          When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?

