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TV Drama!

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  • TV Drama!

    I'm sooo going to love watching the drama unfold on this one. I'm taking a sick pleasure from it all.

    In my work center we have ... actually 4 tvs or so. The boss has two (why he needs two, who knows...but that's what he demanded). We have the other two, but they were both paid for by US and not the company - which is an important factor.

    The boss wanted to take one of them for his own use in his office....but, yeah, legally he couldn't touch them. If I remember, one of the supervisors was like, "Sorry sir but the guys bought this themselves."

    I'm not sure about the TV in the side office, but the one in the main workshop was purchased by 3-4 people with a "Last man standing" rule. Basically whomever stayed there the longest would own the TV. Again perfectly legal, since it was their money.

    Today the last man standing ... sold the TV to one of the guys in the shop for $20. The new owner didn't want to ruin the front of the TV with any sharpie marks so he put a piece of paper in the lower corner and wrote down "Property of S____".

    The bad supervisor came in and saw that... first words out of his mouth: "He can't sell that to you! It's the shop's TV!" (and keep in mind, this supervisor is the guy who will see you watching the tv and come over and change the channel anyway cos he feels it's his right to do it - a basic Supervisor-entitlement-whore). He didn't care that it wasn't purchased by shop/company money... he just felt that it belonged to the shop now, he was used to watching it every day, therefore it can't be sold.

    Yeah...if I remember, sucky-supervisor was also one of the guys who used the "personal property" excuse to keep the boss's greedy paws off of it. So the fact that he's now trying to call it "shop property" when he realizes it was sold... is pretty freakin hypocritical of him. but not surprising.

    S____ was going to wait a little before taking it home. But after that little exchange, he's decided that tomorrow - after the bad supervisor leaves for the day - he's taking it out and bringing it home right away.

    The other guys are a little disappointed, but they're taking it well. If anything, they all recognized the rules of ownership on it from the start and they all agree that if it's personal property you can sell it off to whomever you choose.

    And I'm looking forward to seeing the bad supervisor have a cow the following morning when he realizes the TV is gone. And that he legally can't do d*** about it.

    (yeah i'm a bitch sometimes)
    Last edited by PepperElf; 02-05-2008, 11:36 AM.

  • #2
    Ooh, this'll be fun
    The High Priest is an Illusion!


    • #3
      Please let us know what happens
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        You guys get to watch TV at work?
        Or, are the TV's used for work stuff?

        Man, if we were caught watching a TV where I am, our butts would be hitting the pavement.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Quoth Ree View Post
          You guys get to watch TV at work?
          Or, are the TV's used for work stuff?
          Sounds like maybe the boss needed them for work (only way I can think of to need two or more tvs) but they have a stationary job, so looking during downtime wouldn't be a big thing. Not really sure.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Both really. We use the TV for training, but they don't mind if we have it on during the day as long as we're working. One of the old supervisors use to be omg-strict about it but he's gone and the workload is mostly light. (plus when you're stuck there on-call for the day it gives you something to do)

            He had his sign off yesterday but put a new one back up after lunch. And we discussed the whole conversation they had with the boss when he wanted the tv for his own use. When the boss saw the tv and requested the move it to his office, both the sucky supervisor, the good supervisor, and the chief supervisor all said, "Sorry. The TV belongs to T____." The boss was disappointed but understood he couldn't steal T____'s personal gear & went off to get his second tv from somewhere else.

            So... now that S____ has a "Sold to S____" sign back up on the TV it'll be interesting to see how they take it in the morning, if the sucky supervisor tries crying, "You can't buy that, it's the shop's tv!"


            • #7
              kinda sad...the drama died.

              when S____ put the "sold to" sign back up, in the morning the sucky supervisor saw it and again said, "He can't sell it to you, that's the shop's TV." But T____ corrected him and said, "No it was mine. I sold it to him."

              It's still there, though. When he takes it out, the guy who owns the other tv is thinking of bringing his smaller one in.

