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Martial arts behind the counter

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  • Martial arts behind the counter

    I recently started doing taekwondo. At work I have a few opportunities to practice when it's quiet. Last Saturday night I was practicing some blocks when a customer came in, he didn't say anything but gave me a weird look. I think from now on I'll only practice stances at work (that way it looks like I'm just standing around)

  • #2
    Guilty of doing this. I would also bounce small objects on my foot if I was bored.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      This was actually a great perk at my hobby shop job. Not doing martial arts, but when it was slow we could just break out a model and start working on it.
      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        At my last job, whenever it was slow, we could play a video game. Always played wrestling against my boss(owner). I would kick his ass 90% of the time. The other 10%, I would let him when.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          could be could have been sparring with someone

          i've had co-workers who like to start wrestling matches when they're bored & the boss isn't around


          • #6
            I rarely had to work with fellow officers when doing security, except for relief of position, etc. However, when I did have to and it was slow, I'd show them various locks, chokes, breaks, etc. that I had picked up either from wrestling or scrapping. In return, they'd show me interesting stuff as well. I was a liiiiiiiiiittle surprised when one officer showed me that he always carried a knife on him after he had gotten his ass kicked by a hobo.

            In any case, he showed me a little about knife fighting, disarming, dodge/counter, etc. Fun stuff, good times...and scary FRIGGIN' coworkers.
            You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


            • #7
              Quoth gunsage View Post
              I rarely had to work with fellow officers when doing security, except for relief of position, etc. However, when I did have to and it was slow, I'd show them various locks, chokes, breaks, etc. that I had picked up either from wrestling or scrapping. In return, they'd show me interesting stuff as well. I was a liiiiiiiiiittle surprised when one officer showed me that he always carried a knife on him after he had gotten his ass kicked by a hobo.

              In any case, he showed me a little about knife fighting, disarming, dodge/counter, etc. Fun stuff, good times...and scary FRIGGIN' coworkers.
              That reminds me of a show I saw once with this guy going around the world looking for the best of various styles of martial arts. In one part he went a nightclub and got the bouncers to show him the weapons they'd confiscated, then had his assistant attack him with various weapons so he could show how to defend yourself against them.

              Then they wouldn't let him into the club because he was "too dangerous".


              • #8
                I first read the title to say "marital".

                Anyone else in the gutter?



                • #9
                  Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                  I first read the title to say "marital".
                  hmm, one of the night shift guys recently wrote this message in the comms book: "We're running out of porn, it is extremely popular so I suggest we get more."


                  • #10
                    Anyone else in the gutter?
                    now i am.


                    • #11
                      When I've got a short incubation time for a lab protocol, I tend to walk up and down the lab doing my forms.

                      I remember turning around and seeing my boss and the other lab tech watching me. I was slightly embarrassed

                      Just remember, if you're a female taking martial arts lessons, and you have to go to your doctor's becuase of a concussion, and sporting bruises, tell your doctor about the martial arts. My doc was all set to call the cops and get me in touch with the Domestic Abuse Hotline.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Igorina View Post
                        Just remember, if you're a female taking martial arts lessons, and you have to go to your doctor's becuase of a concussion, and sporting bruises, tell your doctor about the martial arts. My doc was all set to call the cops and get me in touch with the Domestic Abuse Hotline.
                        My fiance out-ranks me by about seven grades, so it's more likely to be me that gets beaten up.


                        • #13
                          Also what my dear fiance didnt wan't to add is... I threw him over onto his backside twice within five minutes at training the week before last week!

                          It was actually an accident, due to his and my height differences, my hand could only reach his shoulder as I had to bend over (he had to do a headlock on me, and then I was meant to 'hit' under his nose) but grabbed his shoulder instead and pulled him back. Coach did say my techinque was really good though!

                          p.s: the amount of grades he has left to go til black belt rankings, Im not sure how many extactly because I hadn't been with that school from white belt onwards, I came to that school in middle of last year, after being with another school for one year and a half, and the head instructor at this current school decided that I shouldnt have to start all over again, just went down one grade, but now since caught up back into the old grade, now looking towards the possiblity of being a second grade student by march or april. (and then just one more grade and a black stripe to go until the black belt!)


                          • #14
                            Quoth Igorina View Post
                            Just remember, if you're a female taking martial arts lessons, and you have to go to your doctor's becuase of a concussion, and sporting bruises, tell your doctor about the martial arts. My doc was all set to call the cops and get me in touch with the Domestic Abuse Hotline.
                            There was a girl who was the best fighter at my dojo. She didn't even look it. Most of the people she fought with would have a hard time trying to land a punch or a kick because she would just give an all out assault. The person typing this was the only student who could beat her.

                            One thing I do miss was throw practice. I once sent a guy into the wall.
                            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                              I first read the title to say "marital".
                              Funny... I worked in a sub shop with a pair of co-workers who did that while the third guy on shift was out on a smoke break...

                              I, however, am guilty of practicing my staff technique with a mop handle from time to time. Took out a light once doing that. On the bright side of that, the lazy mouthy co-worker who was watching from the corner was alot more cooperative than usual after the fact.

