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Sleazebags, rearview mirrors, widows, and boobs

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  • Sleazebags, rearview mirrors, widows, and boobs

    This was a fun day.

    Today as I was working, this guy in an expesive suit with an aura of sleaze about him walks into the shop and asks for me. He said that he wanted to ask me a few questions. I said that was fine. So he starts asking me things like 'How long have you been working here,' and 'What are your responisblities?' and then he asks me how much experience I have working on cars.

    Alarm bells start ringing in my head. So I pull out my cell phone and tell this guy that I'm about to start recording the conversation before I answer anymore questions and he just hightails it.

    Come to find out a few hours later that he was the lawyer of the woman whos brakes I had diagnosed as horror show a few days ago. Apparently the woman has lawyered up.

    I was supposed to talk to one of lawyers today but another event kept that from happening.

    I was rasing a car on my lift when it stopped for no reason. I was more concerned with getting the vehicle out quickly than trying to find out why my lift quit on me. I knew it would be fine where it was since it was resting on the locks so I just kept working.

    I was digging around under the car looking for the end of a sunroof drain tube when I felt something on my hand, I pulled it out from underneath the car and there was a black widow crawling around on the back of my hand.

    I freaked out, jumped straight up and hit the sideview mirror. The next thing I remember I was lying down in the back of an ambulance with some gorgeous woman leaning awkardly over me in what turned out to be a very agreeable position for me. I won't get into details, but I think I nearly got slapped, in my defense though I had just been unconcious and I my brain to mouth filter was still rebooting.

    I got to the hospital, they asked me a few questions, took a few pictures of my skull and left me to rot for a few hours then took a few more and said I was good to go. I heard the term 'treat and street' at one point.

    Well I wanted to finish the day at work cuz I had a crapload of stuff to do. When I got back I found out that I had broken that sideview mirror clean off. I got back in time to put the new one on, made me happy. My boss got mad at me though, for coming back in. He said I should have stayed at the hospital or gone home.

    I have that mirror on my bench. I want to frame it.

    But now I get to talk to my workplaces lawyers tommorow ontop of all the other crap that I didn't get to finish, that should be fun.

    *Disclaimer* If you are a lawyer or a woman please don't be offended. Not all lawyers are sleazebags, and women are the second most awesomest creatures living on this planet, right below mountain lions. *Disclaimer*

    Something else from today I forgot to mention, one of my 'co-workers' left a brake caliper off the rotor, and proceeded to take the car for a test drive. After he ran a redlight or two becuase he couldn't stop he got pulled over. The vehicle came back in on a tow truck and he came back in sitting in the backseat of a police car. He's been making so many mistakes lately that I might wind up getting his bay soon. That would be cool because I wouldn't be stuck using the scissor lift I've got right now. I don't trust that thing, it makes me nervous since it's just sitting on the ground.
    Last edited by coldcupofjoe; 02-09-2008, 01:43 AM.

  • #2
    I'm glad to hear you're okay!

    Concussions are not fun.

    For myself, I tend to give people with recent head injuries a pass on having a working brain-to-mouth filter.


    • #3
      Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post
      The next thing I remember I was lying down in the back of an ambulance with some gorgeous woman leaning awkardly over me in what turned out to be a very agreeable position for me. I won't get into details, but I think I nearly got slapped, in my defense though I had just been unconcious and I my brain to mouth filter was still rebooting.
      - The Animaniacs

      <Insert clever signature here>


      • #4
        "Could I have some cookies with this milk?"

        "MOMMY!!!" - Austin Powers: Spy who Shagged Me
        "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."


        • #5
          Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post
          women are the second most awesomest creatures living on this planet, right below mountain lions.
          Snazzy. I rank below mountain lions. Beats being ranked below a skunk.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Do let us know what happens with the lawyers and this woman's brakes. Inquiring minds want to know.
            Last edited by bainsidhe; 02-11-2008, 12:36 AM.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              i was wondering if this was about the woman with the bad brakes and i guess it is....

              damn stupid of her... she's too fucking cheap to replace her shitty brakes
              but will go out of her way to pay for a laywer?

              some people are too stupid to drive.


              • #8
                I work for a law firm, so I can't really make any comments, but the fact that he was out asking questions without identifying himself is questionable. Be sure to give ALL this information to your company's lawyers.

                My guess is he's probably somebody's friend or a relative or someone hoping to score a quick settlement. He was probably hoping to get some kind of information that would lead to scoring maybe 20 or 30 thousand off the company quickly without resorting to actually filing a suit. He's testing the waters, seeing if there's a case, because I'm sure that he's taking the case on a contingency. I'm sure she fed him some sob story that you didn't give them the full information on the real condition of the brakes, didn't show him the form, or, if she did, he's hoping your company will choose to settle quickly rather than suffer some notoriety from the incident.

                Your manager's idea to start disabling unsafe vehicles going forward is due to this type of situation.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

