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  • Epidemic

    I was due to start work at 7:30 this morning, but that didn't happen.

    Last night I woke up around 11:30 and made a rush to the bathroom, got there just in time. After a few mintues it became obvious that it wasn't going to get better in a hurry.

    So I called my boss, no answer so I sent an sms saying "I'm sick and probably can't work tomorrow", also called work and told the night shift guy. Ended up going back to bed and to sleep around 4 am and woke up around 9, after showering I noticed a message from my boss saying "got your message, are you ok now, call me".

    So I rang him, apparently a co-worker also called in sick and the night shift guy and two replacements for us sickies "look like hell". Also I sound like I've got a sore throat (though my throat isn't sore).

    I wonder if we can pass it on to the SCs...

  • #2
    Actually, I was reaching into the freezer at 11 32 pm to see what we should have for dinner the following night, when I heard strange noises, just as I opened the freezer door, then blinked, shut it then opened again, more noises, didnt know it was coming from the bedroom, and I turned around just as the door swung open, and out ran edible hat, with his pj trousers falling down to his knees scaring the heck out of me, bolting for the bathroom. After a few minutes of calming down and struggling not to laugh about the sight of him struggling to hold his trousers up and all ( well the way he rushed and looked were funny afterwards), I got over the shock and grabbed a glass of water for him and told him hes staying home.

    He went to sleep around 1 30am as I stayed up with him to make sure hes ok, he mustve woken up at 4 am though. I'm not suprised something's going on at his work! (he's ok now, made sure he had his rest and sleep)


    • #3
      I had to call out at the Gaming Store this past Saturday. (I called Friday evening). Stomach virus. Oh joy. Everything I ate (innocuous(sp?) stuff like pb&j sandwich, poached egg, etc.) went out the bottom end. It wasn't fun.

      Hubs went to the Gaming Store today. C, whom I was supposed to work with, said I picked the perfect day to call out sick: 2 tournaments, one being a Pokemon one, and a whole bunch of miniatures players. Now I feel guilty.


      • #4
        Quoth idrinkarum View Post
        I had to call out at the Gaming Store this past Saturday. (I called Friday evening). Stomach virus. Oh joy. Everything I atewent out the bottom end. It wasn't fun
        isn't that what's meant to happen? (just on a longer time scale).

        My stomach just switched from sore-and-fragile to sore-and-empty. I think I'll be fine to work tomorrow.


        • #5
          I was just plain ol' sore from stomach down to my knees. :Cry:

          And yes, eventually everything is supposed to go out the bottom end, but not 5-10 minutes after ingesting it! All I had to do was twist in my seat, or get out of my chair, or even *think* about moving, and BAM!!! I was in the toilet. It's not fun.

          And now daughter has Incredible Hulk green stuff coming out of her. I doubt she's tomorrow.


          • #6
            I think I caught fiance's bug, its more of a headache though. Yes, ediblehat, I'm not wearing my hearing aids, ok? :P so I get peace n quiet... well kinda.


            • #7
              My condition's improved to the point where I can eat, so it looks like I'll be working tomorrow. Which is good because I don't get paid for being sick, and it's nice to be able to pay rent and buy food.


              • #8
                Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                or even *think* about moving, and BAM!!! I was in the toilet. It's not fun.
                And that's why you put the seat down.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  Thanks Broom for reminding me of that! You're too funny.

                  I should put a reminder on the toilet for hubs. Sometimes he forgets.


                  • #10
                    3 people in my department alone have this crap (including the dept manager). They still showed up to work today, but they looked like death warmed over a few times. Hopefully they understood why I wanted to keep at least 10 feet between myself and them....


                    • #11
                      I don't know about anywhere else, but my doctor has verified that the strain of flu going around right now as a different strain than what the flu shot was supposed to take care of.

                      Personally, I've had the true flu only once that I can remember, and that was about 1985. But everyone that I know who has ever gotten the shot, has come down with the flu almost immediately. Coincidence? I don't think so, as I've never had the shot!
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Primer View Post
                        Personally, I've had the true flu only once that I can remember, and that was about 1985. But everyone that I know who has ever gotten the shot, has come down with the flu almost immediately. Coincidence? I don't think so, as I've never had the shot!
                        The only year I've got the flu was the year I didn't get the shot.


                        • #13
                          I've had the stomach flu (got it when I was bout 12 or so). Then I also found out my daughter's sister was out with the stomach flu. Daughter must have passed the virus on to me. Oh joy!


                          • #14
                            Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                            I've had the stomach flu (got it when I was bout 12 or so). Then I also found out my daughter's sister was out with the stomach flu. Daughter must have passed the virus on to me. Oh joy!
                            wouldn't your daughter's sister be your daughter too? *confuzzled*
                            Pit bull-

                            There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


                            • #15
                              Sister's daughter, maybe.

                              What I wanna know is, idrinkarum's had stomach flu at 12, but just had it passed on to her?
                              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


