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I get punished for my company's error??

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  • I get punished for my company's error??

    Ok, a little crash course on how things work at a call centre. When you log in to the system you can be in one of several states or AUX codes. There is the standard "Ready" code you use to receive calls, a "Break" code to allow to go on break and a "Coaching" code to allow you time to go to meetings, review things with your sup or do whatever might be needed before taking another call.

    Only the "Ready" mode allows calls to come through, the others do not. Managment at a call center police the usage of these codes carefully (or at least are supposed to) because they don't want people to use them as a means to avoid calls.

    On the system we use, you must choose the state you wish to be in from a drop down menu and then click a button to make it active.

    Last week I got paid but the hourly rate showing on my check was NOT what I had recently signed off on. I pointed this out to my sup, who said I could make a copy of the check and fill out a report to get the error fixed.

    So the next day I spoke to him while on break (we can only use coaching if a supervisor gives us permission to, in order to approach him we have to be in break to get to his desk) to get the report done. He asked what AUX code I was using and I said break, he then said "go into coaching" for this.

    I think I chose "coaching" from the drop down menu but forgot to click the button to activate it because today I got an earful AND A WRITE UP from my sup for allegedly being in break for 42 minutes total (we are only permitted 30 daily, taken in two 15 minute breaks).

    I told him I was most certainly NOT on break for that long but he gave me a line about how "the system doesn't lie" and was really pissed about the apparent long break. Suddenly I realized I must've forgot to hit the button to put me into coaching. I explained this to him and he mentioned there is room on the write up sheet for the employee to write comments, but even doing that I still might not avoid having the write-up go against my record.

    So let me get this straight: My COMPANY screws up my paycheck, I have to burn part of one of MY breaks to get it fixed, I make an honest error with the AUX codes and now I have a black mark on my record?


    And to make matters worse, my supervisor was treating me as though I was making up excuses to explain my apparent long break and not taking my lumps for what he felt I'd done (remember HE was the one who helped me do it!). I'm going to try to take it up with the ACCM (Assistant call center manager) tomorrow so we'll see what happens. My supervisor did not offer to back me up or speak to the ACCM with me. How thoughtful

    I ALWAYS police my breaks very carefully and rarely, if ever go over and I've never been over more than maybe 3 minutes at worst. As I remembered it I took a 15 to eat, then I took 6 before sup told me to go into coaching, then after coaching I took maybe 5 more for a total of 26 minutes. The rest of the time I was off the phones I was preparing the report for the payroll error.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    God, I'm so glad my work is more lenient about things like this. Granted, my availability (i.e. time I'm in AUX and available to take calls) is something like 98%, which is insane, and basically means they want me to take more breaks, so they really can't get on my case if I take a lot of breaks one day.

    But I agree, that's absolute nonsense, trying to dock you for an honest mistake that your supervisor should be fully aware could have easily happened.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #3
      Sounds like you work at Convergys..

      I'm sorry.. I've done my time there too... 2001-2002 for the SBC DSL tech support project.. Hazelwood MO.
      Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.

