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interesting day

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  • interesting day

    Hi all! this is Karath again. I don't know how well this fits into the purpose of the site, but I need to rant about this day to someone

    Basically, day starts out like any other one at Wendy's. Show up, start taking orders, whenever it gets slow take care of whatever needs doing. Around 2 o'clock I was asked to empty the trash (being the only male with actual muscle mass at the store, it's a common request). Things went smoothly at first, until I had to take the leftover grease from under the grill to the dumpster.

    As you might imagine, this is NOT a pleasant process. No matter how you attempt to handle it, raw grease is something one should only deal with on a calm stomach. After a lunch rush, the sheer amount of grease doesn't help. I've got kind of a routine now that minimizes my contact with it, but as I was squatting down to get a good grip on the bucket, I heard a loud and unpleasant *rip* and suddenly I was short my dignity and had added a new window to the back of my pants. Fortunately my boxers were the same color as the trousers and the rip was in a relatively unobtrusive place, but still, it was not exactly pleasant.

    A bit later my manager asked me if I would be willing to pick up some food from a nearby mexican grill. I would still be on the clock, so I agreed. After picking up the food, I began driving back...failing to notice the section of curb that extended into the lot.

    My right tires and the curb met with a pair of loud *bangs*, which I matched with a few loud curses
    The end result was a pair of flat tires and an unpleasant discovery that a third had reached the end of its useful lifetime a few months ago. Since classes started for me just a couple of weeks ago, I am flat broke and have a $450 bill to deal with.

    Sorry about ranting there; most of the situation DID happen while I was on the clock, so I hope this counts as work chat . Wish me luck with the bill (and finding a new job), and good luck with your respective jobs and SC's. Until life or customers bring me back, this is Karath signing off!
    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.