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Us clerks got a worst clerk...( VERY LONG)

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  • Us clerks got a worst clerk...( VERY LONG)

    Let me start by saying that after work, me and graveguy wanted to hang, and /act/ like SC to other clerks at Plaid. (YES, we were going to act like the worst SC, but we would have done it in such a obvious fashion, before admiting we work for Plaid, have a nice day, later type of deal).

    So. We go to the Legend store. We call it the Legend store, because we hear about this ONE store from customers, then any other store. This store is in such a terrible neighborhood, that the store is LOCKED up at 10pm to 6am, and you have to push a button to get a clerk, and go through this bin deal.

    So we go in, and act /fishy/. We're looking at the stacks of warm 18 packs of beer, while staring at the clerk. (i'm 23, graveguy is 20). Clerk doesn't notice us.
    So we try to act even more suspecious. He really doesn't seem to care or know. Then we overhear him talking to a customer that he has pulled a double already, and looks like he has to do a triple. Both of us feel like crap then. We can't do that to the poor clerk. So we buy some snacks, tell him we also work for Plaid.
    (Nether of us are in uniform btw). He kinda nods, says cool, shakes our hands. We start talking about Plaid. We make small talk about our manager not caring if we wear nametags or not. The clerk stands straight, and proclaims with a smile that he is proud to work for Plaid. (Sidenote, thats FINE, have pride, I've grown jaded over the years, and graveguy hates it more, but if you wanna have pride, nether of us are going to hassle you for it). However, I can't keep my mouth shut, about some of the stupid marketing ideas they get. I point to the cakes for example. Few years back, we carried <MAJOR NAMEBRAND CAKES>. We did buyin for .34 cents, we sold them for 1.00. Good deal right? Not to mention EVERYONE bought them, they came in fresh each week. But marketing decide to switch to <Generic Brand> at a .55 cent buyin, (Still a dollar) that comes FROZEN once a month. Though we still don't sell any, because they have horrible, horrible taste.

    He preeeds to tells us that Plaid did that FIVE years ago, that's why his dad doesn't shop there. Now, its flatout crap. I've been there four years, and the deal happened year or so ago. But, whatever. He tries to claim that they did it bit by bit at store, one at a time. (When in fact, no. We all got a memo telling us that we are to take down the displays, and get rid of <Major brand> NOW.

    He wants to smoke. He starts to go out to smoke. I have to point out that there is aanother customer there. He kinda grumbles, scans her item, rips the dollar atta her hand, shoves it in the tray, and starts to leave, not even saying a WORD to her.

    He's out wiht me and graveguy. He and graveguy are smoking. Customer comes up. Clerk begs the guy to wait for him to finish his cig. (It happens). Customer is nice enough to wait. ANother customer comes up. Clerk again asks him to wait. Second customer agrees. When both customers realize this guy is ranting to two strange guys, they start to go in. Both me and graveguy are always in store mode, even if it isn't our store. We're watching the customers through the windows. Clerk finalyl finishs his cigs and goes inside, shouting for us to follow. We go in.

    He tells us to come around the counter with him.
    He then proceeds to show me and graveguy the new store camera system. Everything about it. There is one customer asking for him to serve him. Clerk is ignoring him. He tells second customer to go to the back. Customer looks confused. Clerk again ORDERS customer to go to the back. Customer does. Clerk ORDERS customer to go forward. He does. First customer gives up and leaves. He then keeps showing us the camera system. When he does wait on customer, both me and graveguy are looking at each other with huge WTF looks.

    Because I don't care if you claim to work for same company as me. I don't know you. I sure as HELL aint going to let you around the counter, and proceed to show you the camera system, and how it works, how to delay, how to erase, what the bugs are.

    He then tells us his worst customer story. (We were both curious because it was a /terrible neighborhood/. He told me he had a guy come up to the counter. Put the beer can on the counter loudly. Then pulled his ID out, and slamed on the counter, talking loudly, here is my ID. Clerk was quite proud to tell us he screamed at the guy to get the F out of his store'. Both me and graveguy looked at each other with WTF looks. That was it??? I mean come on!! Graveguy and me, both had guns at us, fights, knifes, glass bottles, drug dealers, and some guy who slammed a beer on the counter was the worst customer???

    He then told us a small story about how his old manager tried to fire him for something, (He never told us what). But he already got a transfer to another store. And he was so happy to show that to his old manager, and area manager, and they were both angry at him because they couldn't fire him.

    Now... how to ruin that. Hmm. 1: Store transfers are hard. Both managers have to agree. and Area manager has to agree. With the expection of management abuse, (Rude, or whatever, in whichcase clerk is immedity transfered to a new store, without revealing where to the old manager during invesgation). Second, District to District trading is damnstriaght impossible unless somehow both area and district and manager were doing horrible things to him.
    THIRD: If a manager wants you fired, you will be fired. Being transfer doesn't help. Because when your transfered, you go to a store in the area manager stores. Manager reports to Area manager. Area manager can fire you, if in agreement with previous manager.

    We finally had to leave, after he shouted at a gentleman trying to buy a bottle of wine that he better not do a beer run because Me and graveguy would tackle him).

    I mean. Wow. I... me and graveguy are still in disbelief about this. We're both considering calling manager, to let him know how dangerous that was. I mean, yes, We DO work for same company. But that still NO excuse to show us the camera system. You don't let people you just met do crap like that!!. As we were leaving, we saw he was heading to the bathroom while several customers were in the store.

    I mean. Wow.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    it sounds to me that he was trembling in your presence and was trying to impress you by how much of a stud he could be.......

    either that...or he was simply a jackass
    "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


    • #3
      Call his boss NOW. He probably shows it to all his buds that come in to!


      • #4
        Wow...not good. If he shows off confidential company stuff to you and graveguy, who the crappy clerk had just met off the street, then there's a good chance crappy clerk would show confidential company stuff to unauthorized people. What's just as bad is how incredibly rude he is towards customers. Report him RIGHT AWAY,but if you can do it anonymously.
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          Yeah, definitely report him. What an idiot.

          Plaidman.. I hope you get paid sufficiently to do such a dangerous job!!! You've had a GUN pulled on you? I wouldn't last at your job at all. I sure hope y'all keep weapons behind your counter for defense. Even if your company doesn't allow it.. screw 'em. Even seemingly innocent looking objects can be made into weapons if you know how to use them. No job is worth losing your life over.
          My Myspace, add me!


          • #6
            yeah he's got lots of brains
            "These guys CLAIM they work for the same company, so I'll show them the secret stuff! Then I'll treat my customers like crap in front of them... it's all good!"

            this reminds me of something that happened at work a while back... we had an office that was usually locked, only certian people had the combination. I was in the office watching the phone and heard the back door open. Two men walked in...I'll call them C___ and Mac. Nothing too weird about that cos C___ had every right to be in the office and bring any guest in. What was weird was that Mac then asked me for the combination right in front of C___.

            I just looked at the two of them, confused. I didn't voice my first thought which was... "If you just came in then you already know the combo I don't need to give it to you." After a moment or two of looking at both of them, I finally turned to C___ and asked, "Is he allowed to know that?"

            "Smart answer." It turned out that Mac was just testing me (he and I didn't really like each other), but I passed.
            Last edited by PepperElf; 02-19-2008, 03:43 AM.


            • #7
              If he was in the store on his own, doing a double shift, he was probably really glad to have someone to talk to. But that is no excuse for showing you the camera and failing to serve the customers.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                Don't report him. Don't get involved. The only outcome for you there is negative. His manager HAS to know that he's doing that kind of thing.
                "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                • #9
                  You know, I must admit, I've before let friends come in with me on days off to play ping pong or air hockey in the break room, but the break room is the only room they go into ... if they need to go to the bathroom I will escort them to the bathroom and back and make sure they don't go anywhere near the call floor. I don't even let them go near the computers in the break room which are used for nothing other than putting in vacation requests... how does a clerk justify showing someone the camera system and go behind the counter is beyond me.
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

