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The trainer is always to blame!

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  • The trainer is always to blame!

    The way we give feedback at work drives me nuts.

    Now, with all the new people we always have, there are going to be lots of little mistakes. Lots of little mistakes made in the process before you that will cause you to spend a few extra minutes dealing with stuff.

    I do my best to teach my trainees how to do everything by the book, the proper way, I do NOT allow for shortcuts. However, as you probably figured, it doesn't stop them from figuring out shortcuts on their own or finding out from someone else about shortcuts.

    And whenever I notice someone else's trainee is screwing stuff up, most of the time, I don't even go to the trainer. Simply because it isn't the trainer's fault. As much as everyone else wants to believe, the trainer can only do as much as he/she can. No one can prevent these things from happening. If I'm sent to the trainer, I am really polite and I just say "Hey, I've been finding this this, and you think you could remind your trainee why we don't do this? Thanks."

    Most of the time, I get approached by other operators, not trainers. A mistake my trainees make drives them nuts. And their feedback always seems to place blame on me. They walk up and say "YOU better teach your trainees how to fill out paperwork right!" "YOU need to show them how to do their fucking job the right way!" "YOU need to tell them to STOP doing this, it's WRONG!"

    Now, trainees make mistakes. There's no need to explode over it. Second of all, I do not take blame for my trainees. They are going to make mistakes and they are going to mess stuff up. Sometimes many, many times. A lot of times it's because they won't listen to me (aka DipShit). The only time I start to get pissy is when they keep doing the same thing over and over, despite being told not to. That's when I just about lose it, and I get someone higher up than me, since the trainee won't listen.

    I love being to blame for everything. Gosh, if people TRULY doubt my integrity that much, someone really should say something to the boss. Really, if people honestly think I purposely train people wrong, someone should say something. No one would believe them, but still........
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Now why is it I took one look at the title and I KNEW Blas wrote this

    Good luck to your trainees and good luck to the new trainer-in-training. Sounds like she'll need it.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      I don't know how you do it. I'd have gone postal X infinity on all of them a loooong time ago if I was in your position.

      ... Or have gotten so sick I couldn't work. Stress = enemy numero uno por mwa

      I give you grand kudo's and a trophy for your metaphorical brass balls for all you have put up with.


      • #4
        The new trainer is a he, not a she someone else than we expected got Alice's job.

        Last night was wonderful. One of the operators from the process after me came up to my machine, practically threw the job packet right at my face, and yelled "What the hell are you teaching these people?!" and I was confused, naturally, and then they showed me their feedback of something one of my trainees had screwed up.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          The new trainer is a he, not a she someone else than we expected got Alice's job.

          Last night was wonderful. One of the operators from the process after me came up to my machine, practically threw the job packet right at my face, and yelled "What the hell are you teaching these people?!" and I was confused, naturally, and then they showed me their feedback of something one of my trainees had screwed up.

          If you were in Southern Ohio, I'd swear you work at the same machine shop I did during my brief sojourn from being a travel agent.
          "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


          • #6
            I wish I had trainers that actually trained. At 2 different companies I worked for, they made us go through 2 weeks of training on their proprietary software before we actually got to our tech job, only to have no idea what to do

            I liken it to being sent out to hunt elephants with BB guns.

            So, do you want us to support our fellow employees or am I an overpaid secretary creating tickets and forwarding them off to an already overburdened Level 2?

            When I was a traininer, I took the same route I take as a teacher.

            "Tell me and I'll forget.
            Show me and I'll remember.
            Involve me and I'll understand."
            - Ancient Chinese Proverb

            Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


            • #7
              When I train somebody, I train them by the book. If I find a short cut, I do let the boss know about it. If they approve it, then I will show the trainee's. Otherwise, I just use the short cuts myself. Even without the boss's approval.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                Our trainer, and I suspect company policy, is to keep the staff 'happy' and have a fun attitude so that people stay. Which unfortunately means, they end up with slack-arses and useless gits (except for those few and far between good ones..!)


                Yes - everyone knows about the problem - but do you really think anything is going to change???
                When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

