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I'm going to arrest you!

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  • I'm going to arrest you!

    Xieg's "I'm going to sue you" post reminded me of an incident when I first started where I work now.

    This happened about 6 months into my job. Our company uses The Work Number to verify employment. If you don't know what it is: basically, it's a pay as you go or subscribe company where you supply the prospective employee's info, verify their info, pay,etc. For our employees, we can give salary verification info for things like mortgages, etc.

    Some people are okay with this, they ask for the company code, etc. and go on their way. Others..well, they're really persistent and can be outright rude and nasty.

    This particular incident was the latter. It started out fine - the caller identified himself as a sheriff to a neighboring county, and wanted to verify if someone worked for us. I gave him my spiel: We verify our info through The Work Number, I can give you the info, yada yada yada.

    The guy takes it, thanks me, and that's it.

    Or so I thought.

    A half hour later, he calls back asking me if I realize the number I gave him requires payment. I confirm that I know that, as it is a pay site. He thanks me and hangs up. Okay..

    About 10 minutes later, he calls back again, asking for HR. I have to screen all calls for HR, because inevitably 90% of the calls are for verifying employment (this will be important soon). He tells me that I will give him he HR manager or else. I realize it's the sheriff, and put him on hold to call the manager to let her know. She says she'll take the call and I pass her through.

    10 minutes after that she comes out and tells me that the guy absolutely refused to accept the fact that she could not verify his info, that she would not risk her job to give him the info that he wanted, and that she would not bend company policy because he did not want to pay the fee (it's $12.95 for 1 verification or a subscription is $9.95/mo).

    She told me that if he calls again to simply do what I've been doing - give him the number or bypass her phone to the voicemail system.

    I spent the next 4 hours dealing with him, by passing her phone to the voicemail system. He was quite literally calling every 10 minutes. I was afraid to go to lunch because I didn't want to have my relief deal with him.

    However, he apparently took a lunch so they didn't have to deal with his hassling.

    Finally, he got smart about 1 hour before quitting time (gee, it only took him 7 hours) and called from another number wherein the following ensued (not exactly, but this is what I remember):

    Idiot Sheriff (herein, ID): Look, I don't know what in hell kind of game you're playing, little girl, but you'd better give me that damned info now. Or else.
    Me: Sir, I will ask that you not address me, as it is very condescending and I do not believe that a man of the law would say such a thing.
    ID: Are you calling me a liar about who I am?
    Me: No, sir, I believe you did that quite well yourself.
    ID: Why you little, bi- *coughs* I'm going arrest you. You are in so much trouble. Obstructing justice, refusing to comply with an officer of the law, blah blah blah.
    Me: Alright, would you like directions to our office? I'll make sure to have my lawyer with me when you do arrive.
    ID: *sputters, curses and hangs up*

    I called the HR manager after he did, telling her the conversation. She laughed so hard she was crying when she came out.

    And he never did call back after that. I did speak with my friend who is a lawyer. He told me that even if he did try to arrest me, the charges would have been bogus because:

    1) he was from another county, so he'd have no jurisdiction
    2) he'd have a hard time proving that I was refusing to provide info, based on the fact that I was following company policy. not to mention that I'd also have the HR manager to back me up.
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

  • #2
    i believe the police can get the information without having to pay that site...but he was doing it the wrong way. the right way would have been to come down in person, show the ID...and if that didn't work, get a warrent.

    but... well that's what i think a *real* cop would do at least.

    and a real cop would also know that... being a cop does not mean he's immune to the laws of harassment.


    • #3
      Having dealt with the Work Number at my last job, law enforcement agencies can indeed get the information without charge. All they had to do is give the CS rep at The Work Number proof that they were with the police or the courts or whatever, and the information would be sent to them.

      Sounds like someone doesn't like having his routing disrupted.
      "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM

