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forgive me

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  • forgive me

    I was a dumb SC on the weekend. Oh so dumb!

    I rang up to confirm a resivation I had made a week before and when I got through to the guy he informed me there was no such resivation in my name for that night. I PANICED I had people who were coming thinking that we were going to this place for a SURPRISE party for another friend. I think it came out in my voice:

    guy on the phone: gonp

    me: "ahhhhhh ok right well, umm, yeah I kind of booked it last week, so I don't know.."
    gonp: "you sure you did?
    me: "positive, for tonight, 8 people, get there by 6:30 on the dot of loose the reservation"
    gonp: "ok...(goes quiet) your name abcd??"
    Me: "no, my name is wxyz"(irritated voice)
    gonp: " ok..................ok your reservation is not tonight it's for the 1st of March"
    Me: FREAKING OUT! "No, it was meant to be for tonight, you couldn't change it could you?"
    gonp: "yeap, done, sorry for the mix up"
    Me: *sigh of relief* thank you so soo much"

    The Dumb SC part....I checked my diary it was ME that screwed up and gave them the wrong date. MY fault, not theirs...ahhhh

    Next part:

    I get there. There is a huge line, there is always a huge line, it's why I booked so that I could by-pass the line. Lady from the place is asking people how many people per table.

    I try to flag her down, but get ignored. Right ok. I go right to the front door and ask a guy holding the door open in a similar top, not the same, similar. ie: the girl had a black top with white writing on it. So what did I do, go right up to him and say

    "hi, I have a booking for 8"
    dude: "Woah I don't work here"
    "woops, sorry just the black shirt"
    Mate: "LOL so do I work here because, we're all wearing black??"
    Me: "yeah, haha, I'm so sorry"


    ok...what is my punishment...I can handle it...maybe
    I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha

  • #2
    I'd say no punishment, since you seemed to have a sense of humor and some manners about the whole thing.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #3
      aww your too nice to me myswtghst...
      I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha


      • #4
        No - I agree with Mys...

        SC's are those who whinge, bitch, moan and argue.

        You made a mistake, and asked if something could be done to fix it. You didn't blame gonp, and you didn't demand that he fix it.

        No punishment for making a mistake - a bit of kudos for not acting like an arse about it!

        AND... you actually said 'thanks'! (I presume that wasn't sarcastic..?? :P)

        I hoped you tipped thouhgh :P

        When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


        • #5
          An SC would:

          -not give their name
          -pretend to be ABCD
          -yell and scream and blame the restaurant for mixing up the reservation
          -try to get the guy who doesn't work there fired

          at the very least


          • #6
            Hell, if every SC was like you think you were there wouldn't be a need for this site. True SC's don't admit, even to themselves, that they make mistakes.
            This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


            • #7
              Quoth bigjimaz View Post
              Hell, if every SC was like you think you were there wouldn't be a need for this site. True SC's don't admit, even to themselves, that they make mistakes.

              Except for the SC's that secretly know they're being SC's but decide to cover for it by being even MORE ridiculous, demanding and entitled.
              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

