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I am now required to go OFF THE CLOCK to take a bathroom break...

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  • #16
    Quoth myswtghst View Post
    This sounds almost exactly like my current place of employment. I actually rather like my call center, for the most part.

    Anyhow - we get what's called "AUX" time, meaning, you're still logged in and on the clock, but are not available to take calls, which is what we use for bathroom/smoke/wandering around breaks. As long as you don't use too much, they don't really care how you use it/split it up. I've actually recently been told to take more breaks - my availability, which just has to be above 92%, is actually 98%.

    It's awesome, ain't it? When I get mad at some of the silly/petty things they do on occasion, a quick trip to CS to read horror stories about big call centers puts things right back into perspective for me.

    The only thing that's making me a bit nervous lately is that our department is growing my leaps and bounds. It seems like the bigger the center, the more stupid and restrictive it is. We're starting to see a few little things here and there that we're hoping are not a sign of things to come. I'm trying to stay positive.
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #17
      My store is small, we usually work alone, and there's no washroom. We need to close the store and use the public washroom in the grocery store when we need to go.

      VP Shithead hears about employees going to the washroom outside of their ONE break during an 8 hour workday, thereby forcing them to close the store for 2 minutes (no exaggeration - we can literally go and come back within 120 seconds). VP Shithead proceeds to send an e-mail to all stores warning people not to do this.

      I told my manager, "I am a grown adult and I will not 'hold it' for five hours, nor do I feel the need to beg permission to relieve myself. I will continue to close the store for 2 minute increments if I have to pee. Feel free to discipline and/or fire me. In fact - I dare you to do so." My manager agreed with me, so nothing came of it. She warned me that if the VP found out or popped in unexpectedly while we were closed, I might be in trouble.

      I say, bring it on. Does VP Shithead call and ask the CEO for permission to take a goddamn leak? No? Then he should have some more bloody respect for his frontline employees. And some more faith in our judgment.

      If people are abusing washroom breaks, the solution is to fire their lazy asses. The solution is not to degrade your entire workforce with these embarrassing rules.

      This subject is a sore point with me. I like working retail, and I hate that its so difficult to find a position in this industry where they don't treat you like a criminal and/or child.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #18
        Yes, I'm in PA too.

        I don't think I've ever been so pissed off in my life as when that supervisor acted like we should be so very grateful because we were still getting a lunch break. I can't imagine how forcing someone to work straight through without a single break would increase productivity. My productivity dropped signifigantly after our 15 minute break was taken away, mostly on principle.


        • #19
          That's pretty much what it's always been like at the call centre I work at. I've learned to train my body to only require a bathroom when it's break time LOL
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

