In the previous job I had, the overarching feeling was of being in a place that you didn’t want to be, for various reasons. This lead to a draining, generally unhappy, unwelcome feeling in the air, and between workers.. Which was reflected in the attitudes people carried there.. And was reflected in how the customer was treated. The whole environment carried a feeling of distrust, and of insincere attempts to welcome both customers and staff.
I have a way about me, from that, of trying to find what happened to cause a problem, and know in my mind just what happened, where the mistake/error was made, to be satisfied…
This lead to, due to the feeling of the previous workplace, more than a few confrontations and dislike between me and more than a few customers, I’m sure.
But in my new job, I find that I need to let go of that, and to purely be about trying to satisfy the customer, as much as possible make them happy… And if there is a problem, then to not worry about what happened, and remedy the situation instantly.. By replacing a meal, refunding it, or whatever can be done to calm them or make them happy…
Which, now that I am employed in a place that has a happy, teamwork-based feeling, and a sense of camaraderie and fun and trust, due to the need to work together as a fully-functioning team, should come to me easily, and hopefully quickly.
It’s sure helped a lot in general with my stress levels, and my sense of self-worth.
The best bit is that when the day is done, it’s done. No after-work stress on my back, and a happy feeling going to work the next day.
I know I have a lot of learning to do, but I look forward to it all.
(If you read all of this.. Thanks.. And, what's your workplace feel like?)
I have a way about me, from that, of trying to find what happened to cause a problem, and know in my mind just what happened, where the mistake/error was made, to be satisfied…
This lead to, due to the feeling of the previous workplace, more than a few confrontations and dislike between me and more than a few customers, I’m sure.
But in my new job, I find that I need to let go of that, and to purely be about trying to satisfy the customer, as much as possible make them happy… And if there is a problem, then to not worry about what happened, and remedy the situation instantly.. By replacing a meal, refunding it, or whatever can be done to calm them or make them happy…
Which, now that I am employed in a place that has a happy, teamwork-based feeling, and a sense of camaraderie and fun and trust, due to the need to work together as a fully-functioning team, should come to me easily, and hopefully quickly.
It’s sure helped a lot in general with my stress levels, and my sense of self-worth.
The best bit is that when the day is done, it’s done. No after-work stress on my back, and a happy feeling going to work the next day.
I know I have a lot of learning to do, but I look forward to it all.
(If you read all of this.. Thanks.. And, what's your workplace feel like?)