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Workplace environments and feelings...

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  • Workplace environments and feelings...

    In the previous job I had, the overarching feeling was of being in a place that you didn’t want to be, for various reasons. This lead to a draining, generally unhappy, unwelcome feeling in the air, and between workers.. Which was reflected in the attitudes people carried there.. And was reflected in how the customer was treated. The whole environment carried a feeling of distrust, and of insincere attempts to welcome both customers and staff.

    I have a way about me, from that, of trying to find what happened to cause a problem, and know in my mind just what happened, where the mistake/error was made, to be satisfied…

    This lead to, due to the feeling of the previous workplace, more than a few confrontations and dislike between me and more than a few customers, I’m sure.

    But in my new job, I find that I need to let go of that, and to purely be about trying to satisfy the customer, as much as possible make them happy… And if there is a problem, then to not worry about what happened, and remedy the situation instantly.. By replacing a meal, refunding it, or whatever can be done to calm them or make them happy…

    Which, now that I am employed in a place that has a happy, teamwork-based feeling, and a sense of camaraderie and fun and trust, due to the need to work together as a fully-functioning team, should come to me easily, and hopefully quickly.

    It’s sure helped a lot in general with my stress levels, and my sense of self-worth.

    The best bit is that when the day is done, it’s done. No after-work stress on my back, and a happy feeling going to work the next day.

    I know I have a lot of learning to do, but I look forward to it all.

    (If you read all of this.. Thanks.. And, what's your workplace feel like?)
    3 Basic rules for ordering food.
    - Order from the menu.
    - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
    - Don't talk about Fight Club.

  • #2
    The retail floor has a nice atmosphere, the owner appears to be the damp rag in it at times. I work great with the other manager, not so well with the owner (he's the one who at times misreads what I tell him and then says I'm the one misreading things). Workplace atmosphere is generally cool except for that guy, a few idiotic customers but the regulars are fun.

    "My" office is way back in a corner in the basement. It would be even slightly pleasant if the place was tidy, but it's a disaster (I've been watching "How Clean is Your House" lately and keep thinking that if there was a US version, I'd sic them on the boss). Yeah, it's well-lit, but the atmosphere down there is just dismal (the clutter, persistent phantom draft, and narrow cavelike space don't help, I have a feeling the space was a supply closet in the original plans). Good news is that I can chat with the regular gamers without getting complained at.

    I'm definitely happier upstairs, but for some reason it's been posited that ebay work cannot be done on the upstairs computer (why not? easy enough to switch back to the reg program if needed..really the only time I need to be down in the dungeon is when stuff is being packed for shipment).
    Last edited by Dreamstalker; 03-02-2008, 08:56 PM.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


    • #3
      My workplace is a happy place. I mean that the customers are pleasant to talk to for the most part. Manager has the employees back.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        My workplace used to be toxic. We had several women there who spread gossip, bitched constantly about management, and complained about being treated unfairly.

        They eventually left for other jobs, and were replaced by some really great people.

        And would you know it...the management hasn't changed, nor has my pay or hours. But all of a sudden, everyone's happy with their jobs again.

        Attitude doesn't just affect you, it affects everyone around you.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          My PT job was like that.

          The owner didn't trust the managers, and gave them all sorts of hell, was always in the shop causing trouble, etc, etc. So the managers gave all kinds of shit to the workers, and it made for a general feeling of apathy in the whole place.

          They since hired a new General Manager (of the whole place) demoted the VP to warranty work only (nothing to do with service) fired the longest tenured guys (who were giving the most crap to everyone) and it apparently is a much better place to work now.

          At my current place of employment, the factory guys are all miserable, the owners act miserable (rich assholes, what do they have to be unhappy about?) my boss hates his job and is ready to retire, I was supposed to get his job, but the owner acts like that may not happen now (at least not for another 5+ years, where he'll have to "bring someone in") and the secretary seems to be the only happy person, but she's 67 years old, and tells everyone everything, including people's salary, etc.


          • #6
            Good thread Sir 12th...

            My place... well - as my tag says, I'm getting paid about $20/hr to watch (insert current thing on Fox) and to read and make comments on here

            I'm now one of the few who has net access (because IT asked me to go to a site once to sort out a problem - I couldn't, but I told management about it. Nightshift had net access within a day or 2 )

            But.... management isn't too good at their jobs, crap keeps happening, and a lot of people aren't happy with things - other than the people we usually have to work with. There are some suckies who work with, but I mostly avoid them, and I have few bad calls (which does seem to be a magnetic thing.. the more narky a personality you have, the more narky the callers you get... karma!)

            We shall see how life continues, but I don't mind it enough to be leaving.... I have some good people I like to see and chat to

            When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

