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Night from HELL

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  • Night from HELL


    Last night was...interesting to say the least:

    My very last trainee that I need to finish with before I can step down, in a matter of a night went back to phase 1 and could not do anything for herself and managed to break a machine and couldn't be left alone for more than a few minutes at a time. (I am going to hope and pray it was just an off night and she'll be better...I really don't want to do this anymore!).

    We aren't supposed to wear cut proof gloves anymore. A few of us are protesting this by taking cut proof gloves from other departments and still wearing them for our own protection. Some bitch from another shift saw the few of us wearing them, threw a temper tantrum to Ann about it ("We can't wear them, why should they? WAHHH!") and Ann went to Boss who promptly ordered Ann and Dickhead to go around and confiscate all of our cut proof gloves and to trash them.

    I guess this company is really excited to shell out the dough for Worker's Comp when we all gash ourselves with our tools.

    And the real winner of the night was:

    This girl who has worked there for about 6 months got mad at something she was told to do, and went home "sick". Now after I tell the story, I will offer my own opinion on this.

    Mentor was delegating the work...there was some awful product that needed to be ran on a certain machine, so she told everyone to give their product to Tracy on machine A and go find something different to do. The girl in question, let's call her Betty, was in the bathroom at the time (she has a very hard time getting any work done at all or even staying at her machine, typical weekend shift worker behavior) and was a little late hearing the new directions.

    Ann, being herself, the big contradicter that she is and loving to stir up trouble, told Betty "Tough, you'll just have to do it anyway". So Betty was stuck running the bad, hard product.

    Betty decided she'd just keep wasting time and not doing anything. Eventually, around 3:30 am, she went home "sick". She didn't look sick at all. We all knew she went home just because she was mad at Ann.

    To make things even more interesting, Betty's best friend, Leah, went home "sick" just a few minutes later. Suspicious much?

    Guess those two must not care much about their attendance.

    I mean, you guys even know this....I hate Ann just as much as everyone else does. I think she starts trouble just for the sake of riling everyone up. I hate her. doesn't do ANY good to just go home "sick" every single time someone pisses you off. And TRUST ME, out of everyone on that whole shift, I know what it feels like to be over stressed, over worked and under appreciated. But I can't just go home every time a trainee does something stupid and sends me over the edge. I can't just go home every time Dickhead and I get into it over what is more important. You gotta grow a tougher skin than that.

    Besides......if Betty thinks that product sucked....EVERYONE does their time doing the shitty product or the hot product or the bad product. EVERYONE is bound to have a night of shitty numbers. It HAPPENS. Get over it!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Wait, why won't they let you have cut-proof gloves? Is there maybe a chance the gloves could catch in the machinery and injure you? My dad once caught the fingertip of a work glove in a drill bit and ended up breaking his finger. Maybe that's it?
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #3
      Supposedly because they are too expensive.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Kogarashi, you should know the real reason why. Because if it makes sense, it is not allowed
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          Quoth powerboy View Post
          Kogarashi, you should know the real reason why. Because if it makes sense, it is not allowed
          Silly me.

          Blas, if anyone has to get injured to show the company why you need the gloves, I hope it's not you.
          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

