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I want a MANAGER to give me my check.

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  • #16
    Direct deposit or sealed in a security envelope ... only way to go.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #17
      The Op hasn't really answered the question here.
      Was the cheque in an envelope or not?

      If it was, well, while it was a careless act on the part of management, it wasn't really a major security breach since there was no way for the employee to know how much the cheque was. If it wasn't in an envelope, then your employer has a problem.

      So, was it in an envelope or not?
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #18
        I dunno... Both the jobs I have worked so far, the paychecks have been fairly in the open. In fact, at my current job, a single employee is chosen to go grab the paychecks from the other side of the school, giving us ample opportunity to steal it or look at it if we wished. I have never really been bothered by that fact... but I suppose that is just because I am used to the idea.

        Also, we have proven that it is possible to see the paycheck value through the envelope by holding it up to the light. They don't seem too keen to fix that, either.
        ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


        • #19
          Always have gotten mine in an enlevope. I also really don't care if my coworkers know what I make. They all know what I make, and they all know waht the others make. We often compare our checks for fun. Of course I don't TELL people what my coworkers make, more out of fear of losing my job then anything. I never understood why people make such a big deal of what they make. You make X. Lots of people make X. Some make X+1, others make X-1. If you been there longer, you likely make more then those that don't, or if you know the job better, your likely get more too.

          Just don't understand. Though I've always been a MEh about alotta things
          Military Spouse Support.

          Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


          • #20
            At one of my past jobs, where all the checks came in envelopes, it was "frowned upon" to discuss what we earned with coworkers. When we started to ignore the frowning, I found out why: the management was favoring certain employees over others.

            Example: Say Joe (male) starts working for a male manager at $8/hour, then after a year or so it goes up to $8.50. During this time period two other workers have been hired, both of whom are female. Both of whom begin working at $8.50/hour, one of whom (despite poor performance, few hours worked, frequent "unauthorized" breaks, and calling in sick almost like clockwork) gets a raise after about six months, resulting in her making $9/hour before Joe gets his first raise to $8.50. Fair? No. Legal? Yes.

            Thus, the management doesn't want employees to discuss their earnings so as to avoid the awkward issue of "why does so-and-so, who's been here only half as long as me, works less often, does shoddy work, and frequently calls in sick at the last minute (always on weekends) make a dollar more per hour than I do?" or in the more general sense, "why does X make more than Y?".
            Last edited by MMATM; 05-05-2008, 09:50 PM.
            "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


            • #21
              Quoth MMATM View Post
              At one of my past jobs, where all the checks came in envelopes, it was "frowned upon" to discuss what we earned with coworkers. When we started to ignore the frowning, I found out why: the management was favoring certain employees over others.

              Ahh. Belive it or not, I never ever thought of that really. At my place, I got 4 other coworkers. Manager makes most, me second. The other three all have as fair as possible wages based on their work/tenure. A has been there longer then B, but B makes more then A, simply for the fact that B does far more work then A ever did, and even A admits that.

              So I never experinced a person freaking out.

              Of course, none of us make great money, but thats because its a freaking convience store.
              Military Spouse Support.
              Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


              • #22
                About a month ago, the company I now work for phased out hard copy payslips. Now we log in to our company intranet to retrieve our payslips.

                It's good in a way, because they are PDF documents that you can either email to yourself or print out. But I'm pretty sure most people print them out anyway - so it surely defeats the whole purpose of making the payslips electronic?


                • #23
                  My brother was told at his workplace that he wasn’t allowed to let anyone see his paycheck. Why? Because he’d transferred from one part of the country to another and was making more than anybody else at the new location. He didn’t care so long as he was still making the same money. After all it wasn’t anybody’s business how much he made.

