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Couple of funny things at the gas station

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  • Couple of funny things at the gas station

    I was calling on an account this morning and I heard a couple of different things that made me chuckle:

    First one:

    A lady walks in with her son who looked to be about four or five. He was kind of whiny when they entered. They walked around, picked out a few things and went to the register.

    Mom; "I'm going to write a check'.
    Boy: (whining) "Mommm, don't write a check! Please? Don't do it!"
    Mom: "Why not?"
    Boy: "Because that's wasting money!"
    Mom: "No, I'll still have my money. When I write a check it's DADDY'S money!"

    A little later:

    Elderly man walks in and asks the clerk what the senior discount is on gas. She tells him five cents a gallon, and he replies, "A nickel? Hell, that's not even worth being old for!"

  • #2
    Quoth Chevy Nachos View Post
    Elderly man walks in and asks the clerk what the senior discount is on gas. She tells him five cents a gallon, and he replies, "A nickel? Hell, that's not even worth being old for!"

    ...Or free with the right amount of beans...


    • #3
      A senior discount on gas??

      I could sooo see that going bad where I work. We would have customers fighting with us to "let them slide" with the discount....


      • #4
        Quoth Chevy Nachos View Post
        Elderly man walks in and asks the clerk what the senior discount is on gas. She tells him five cents a gallon, and he replies, "A nickel? Hell, that's not even worth being old for!"
        Said in the right tone of voice and that could be the funniest thing I hear in any given day.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth Chevy Nachos View Post
          Elderly man walks in and asks the clerk what the senior discount is on gas. She tells him five cents a gallon, and he replies, "A nickel? Hell, that's not even worth being old for!"

          Back in my day, a nickel would buy you a tank of gas, an ice cream soda for you and your sweet heart, a song in the juke box and a penny for the bank...
          You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


          • #6
            Quoth InsuranceGuru View Post
            Back in my day, a nickel would buy you a tank of gas, an ice cream soda for you and your sweet heart, a song in the juke box and a penny for the bank...
            Yeah, but how long did you have to work (and in what conditions) to get yourself that nickel?

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

