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Oh, How I Hate to Get Up In the Morning!

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  • #16
    I have to get up at 6am to get ready for school, and then head for the bus at around 7:20. After classes at 4, I usually have to work the 5-10. So I don't get home till around 10:15. But on the weekends it's a go to bed and get up whenever kind of time.


    • #17
      Convenience stores open stupid hours - oops, that should read "convenient hours" silly me!

      I have to get up at 5:20am, it takes me 20 minutes to get ready to leave - shave, brush teeth, hair gel, deodorant, dress, make bed, gather up belongings. Then 20 minutes to drive to work. I get there at 6:00am to get the shop ready to open and get the newspapers and magazines out on the racks. I have breakfast when I get to work - thats IF i have anything.

      Then the shop opens at 7:00am! And there's usually a queue of really sad people outside too, the halfwits who then come in at 7 and say "im gonna miss my bus now" like its my problem. I sure hope corporate never find out about the queue at 7am, they will have us opening at 6, like some other stores.

      And we open till 10pm. To be honest, I prefer the early shift. Its normally 6a-4p and 4p-10p. The early shift appeals more to me because I have the evening to myself then! I hate going to work at 4!


      • #18
        I try to get up around 6:30 or so..even though I hafta work at 8am. I could get up a bit later, but that means I'd hit heavier traffic (mostly city and school buses) on the way in. Usually, I'm gone at 7:05. Believe it or not, but it takes about an hour to drive across town.
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #19
          Working in restaurants for most of my working years, if I worked lunches, the earliest I would have to be in is 10am...1 hour before the place opened. If working dinner only that started usually around 4 or 5, the latest 6 if I were a closer. I'd often worked doubles, then would get out of work and hit the bar (when I was still drinking) and stay out til the bar closed and then partying more at someone's house. Good times! Looking back, I sometimes can't believe I maintained that lifestyle for soooo long!

          Now, my shift starts @ 6:30. I get up @ 5:00am. I work until 3pm. Not bad. I too attend classes a couple nights a week. My bedtime lately has been around 9 - 10pm.

          My shifts are supposed to be changing though. I am going to start going to school in the morning and work the afternoon shifts. The classes I need to get my happy ass out of school the quickest are mostly offered in the morning. If I stuck to going to school at night, I'd be in school for another three or four years! (I've already been in school for ten!)
          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


          • #20
            I used to be a night person. Now I'm a night person who can handle early mornings.

            At the last store I worked, I had to take the 0630-1500 shift twice a week. Being an hour away from the city (and being a little slow in the morning), I had to get up at 0350. Yuck.

            At my new store, we open at 0700, so I get to sleep in about a half hour. When I requested a mid-day shift, they were nice enough to give it to me twice a week.

            Yay. F***ers.

            Incidentally, Steve Pavlina has published a useful article on how to train your body to wake up at a specific time. You can find it here.
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