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She Was a Good Manager--and They Fired Her

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  • #16
    They probably have proof (video) of her stealing. That's an accusation an employer has to prove. The fact that she isn't fighting it now is another indicator.

    I doubt they gave her a seerance package since she was stealing. They simply may have agreed not to press charges.

    Though every time my other retail jobs caught someone stealing, the employee always left wearing matching steel bracelets.


    • #17
      I can think of 2 managers that have been recently fired from my store. Both were very-well loved and both were fired for stealing from the company. A few years ago the secretary, who had been with them for over 20 yrs, was also fired for stealing. She, too was very-well liked.

      All three of them were great people to work with/for and I was sorry to see them go but none of them fought it.

      The lead for loss prevention was fired several years ago for theft. No one liked him though. He was constantly accusing employees of stealing and come to find out, he was the thief. They hand cuffed him and walked him out.

      Great to see.

      Retail Haiku:
      Depression sets in.
      The hellhole is calling me ~
      I don't want to go.


      • #18
        Quoth Retail Associate View Post

        The lead for loss prevention was fired several years ago for theft. No one liked him though. He was constantly accusing employees of stealing and come to find out, he was the thief. They hand cuffed him and walked him out.

        Great to see.

        Oh, the irony!


        • #19
          Something I should mention:
          We are not a sales envirement. We are a call center, and we are in a man regional office of our company.
          So if she was accused of stealing something, it would be something like documents, or office machines, or whatever.
          Personally, I think they just wearn't satisfied with her performance, and wanted an excuse to get rid of her.


          • #20
            But if she really wasn't stealing and there is no proof she was, she's got the company's butts in a sling legally.

            I mean, stealing is a very serious charge, and it makes one pretty much unhireable if found out. It's a lot more serious that "poor job performance." If my employer tried to force me out on bogus charges of stealing, I'd demand to see the proof, and if they couldn't or wouldn't provide it I'd assume it didn't exist and go straight to the local labor board.

            So either your manager was a thief or is extremely easy to put off. This isn't adding up to me.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #21
              Quoth Retail Associate View Post
              I can think of 2 managers that have been recently fired from my store. Both were very-well loved and <snip> was also fired for stealing. She, too was very-well liked.
              You can only be betrayed by someone you trust...
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


              • #22
                Not saying anything about the specific case with this comment.

                But I can say that if a place ever fired me for stealing (which'd be a lie), I'd demand to see proof. At that point they'd only be able to show things that probably wouldn't even stand up in court (imagine taking cash to a cashier, leaving the camera's view - but then money turns up missing - but when the money went missing/etc couldn't be proven).
                If I tried to file charges against them, it'd potentially cost me more money than anything - and if no charges were filed the best case would be I could get my job back, or be able to work for the company again ---- which I'd want neither if they'd be so quick to fire people for things they didn't do.

                But who knows. Well, other than her and potentially the company.

