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Battery Blues

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  • Battery Blues

    This tale contains a wide selection of FAIL an many levels.

    I work in an Information Technology shop as a programmer. Our servers are hooked up to an emergency power system so they run on batteries 24/7 and those batteries are plugged into the wall and constantly being recharged.

    FAIL number 1: Those batteries need to be changed/serviced every 7 years. Apparently at about 12 years without such service they catch on fire. Score one point for the manager in charge.

    We buy a new battery system and have the boxes delivered a few weeks later. Let me 'splain - these ain't no D cells. They are the size of industrial refrigerators and weigh 1500 to 1800 pounds each, and being BATTERIES are filled with hazardous chemicals. 3 of them, to be exact.

    FAIL number 2: "Hey, you guys wanna come help us get the batteries up to the second floor?" Score one for whomever was in charge of THAT mess.

    These things can literally kill a person, and us flabby desk jockeys are pushing/pulling/grunting them across the building in violation of half a dozen OSHA standards, I bet. I was part of the crew helping to get them down off the truck, and I found myself in a position where I kinda wished I had filled out my will.

    FAIL number the third: So we get the last one on the elevator, and a manager decides to ride up with it. 1800 pound box +350 pound manager = broken elevator. Fat bastard didn't want to scoot out from behind the behemoth. Took almost an hour to get the thing reset.

    FAIL number HOLY CRAP I'M GONNA DIE! When we overloaded the elevator it went a few inches lower than the ground floor, thus iving us a significant lip to overcome when pushing the box back out. THAT was damned dangerous and at one point I thought the thing was going to tip over.

    We finally get that all settled....and now it's time to get the old ones out. I wasn't part of the work detail for that one, but I heard the stories.

    FAIL number OW! MY FOOT! One of the old ones DID fall over, though nobody was hurt.

    WIN - One guy had the guts/brains to call the fire department since we had a potentially dangerous chemical spill on the way. They showed up and demanded that we have a professional disposal company come get the thing.

    FAIL count. The guy got ripped a new one for doing the right/legal thing, and we were out...whetever it costs to pay the pros to do it right.

    I work in Sh!t-for-brainsylvania.
    Hmm...more zombies than usual...

  • #2
    If they're anything like the batteries in our warehouse machinery at work, we're talking sulphuric acid. Not fun stuff.



    • #3
      If it's a large inverter we're talking here, they're basically truck/car batteries. very very very very very very large and heavy truck/car type batteries.

      Our own inverter used banks of smaller ones (4 batteries each inverter) so they were not individually as heavy. But whoever planned that change is an ape, a complete ape, those things are no laughing matter.
      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras

