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What is she wearing??

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  • #16
    OK, one of the girls that is a regurlar at a Gamestop I go to a lot, wears...ehem....Odd. Outfits. As in, outfits the give her NO modesty. I will not go into details.
    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." - Albert Einstein


    • #17
      Quoth Difdi View Post
      A friend of mine often plays a victim during disaster/terrorism drills in the area. To aid in this, he owns a very complete stage makeup kit, and is trained to use it.

      The looks on people's faces are, according to him, utterly priceless, when he walks into a place to buy a drink after the drill. Imagine a man covered head to toe in dripping gore, bomb fragments and debris embedded in his skin, looking like he just got up and walked out of an autopsy.
      If he would have walked into the store when I worked, I would have looked at him and asked with a straight face "where's the training today?" and never thought twice about it.

      Back on topic:
      The best I've seen though, was the guy who came into the grocery store with his hair made into appx 12" long multi-colored cones. I pointed him out to the head cashier, she said "yeah...that's nothing. Come over to WIU sometime..." and we continued on our way.

      The second best would be the guys who showed up in full toga party regalia to the grocery store to buy booze. One of them needed an emergency sew job which one of the supervisors was more than happy to assist him with by using a stapler to hold his outfit together.

      The joys of working near a university.
      Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


      • #18
        Quoth XCashier View Post
        I haven't got the guts to "freak out the mundanes" unless I'm with several other similarly-dressed people. Or it's Halloween (and on Halloween, you've got to expect some costumed folks in your store; I'm disappointed if I don't see any!).

        I do remember a customer at the pet food store dressed as Glinda the Good Witch from The Wizard of Oz. It was nowhere near Halloween, but the costume was very pretty and I complimented her on it.

        I've seen some very bad transvestites come through my lines. I mean, guys who make Corporal Klinger look like Marilyn Monroe! A few hints for trannies:
        1. Shave. Makeup does not cover a five o'clock shadow.
        2. If you have a moustache, don't wear a dress. If you want to wear a dress, shave the stache.
        3. And your legs.
        Bahaha. I knew two brothers that dressed up as their mom and dad FOR a Halloween party my friend threw. The older brother 'mother' dressed up in a french maids outfit. He's like 6'4 and particularly hairy. Lets just say he obviously looked like a man, and that was the point. :snicker: However, we watched from the car as he went to the liquor store and saw at LEAST 2 guys turn their head and look up and down intensely as he walked down one of the aisles.


        • #19
          Quoth Exodus212 View Post
          OK, one of the girls that is a regurlar at a Gamestop I go to a lot, wears...ehem....Odd. Outfits. As in, outfits the give her NO modesty. I will not go into details.
          Do you live near Baltimore MD? Because I know the girl you're talking about.

          I love going to cons and seeing other people's reactions when people wander about in their costumes. I'll be at one this weekend; I'll let you know any good ones.
          "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
          "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
          X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


          • #20
            Come see me on 80's's fun when you're just dressing up..

            This woman I work with is totally stuck in the 80s. She kind of reminds me of an uglier version of Peg Bundy, just really really ugly, like Hills Have Eyes characters ugly......yes, the woman whose baby plays with its poop and she thinks it's funny....

            She wears jeans that are so high cut, they are up to her ribs....well, if you could see them. She is overweight but wears the tightest fitting jeans possible. Riders, I think. Mommy Jeans with a "sexy" twist. She wears really tight low cut shirts tucked into her fat belly and tight's gross. And yet people like me get hauled into the office for inappropriate clothes.....blech...

            And her hair looks like a porcupine who went out, got drunk, and shoved it's claws into an electric outlet.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #21
              My family and I used to participate in a lot of Native American Re-inactments and Pow-Wows, and would usually do ourselves up at home before driving to the locations. One time in particular we had to stop for gas and didn't think to realize that that we were in a small town in the South. If it had been Momma or myself out of the car, it wouldn't have been so funny.
              My Father, a good-sized man who was a cop at the time, was wearing a bright yellow long-shirt with purple paisly and dark green ruffles at hem and neck-yoke, leather leggings and mocassins, a *large* belt-knife, and full face paint.
              The majority of the other customers are grown men(red-necks), and the ones outside oh-so-casually head into the store. We can see them clustered around the windows, staring at us like school-children. When he was done pumping gas, he headed inside to pay. Those gun-toting, red-blooded Amurrikens went scuttling out of that convienience store like the hounds of Hell were after them.
              Momma and I laughed so hard we were in pain by the time Daddy was back in the car. I bet those guys are *still* talking about how they survived being attacked by wild heathens!
              What's going on? Where are we going? And why are we in this hand-basket!?!


              • #22
                Wave Gotik Treffen - thousands upon thousands of Goths descending upon Leipzig for a long weekend of concerts, parties and fun. We get loads of weird looks.
                The funniest thing I've ever seen was at WGT last year - there were some Hare Krishnas having a parade, with the robes and chanting and such. I have a photo of this girl in red fishnets, PVC corset, fluffy red wings and devil horns giving them this 'WTF?!' look. Priceless.
                God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

                I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.


                • #23
                  I live in Seattle (born and bred). There's a strong tradition of peaceful political activism here, but it has this one bizarre quirk. People dress up as what they're protesting for/against. Save the sea turtles? 100+ people in turtle costumes. Protesting civil rights violations? Constitution t-shirts are as tame as it gets, people dress up as aged scrolls (foam and plastic).

                  So every time something gets under the local activists skin, you see the most amazing things in local convenience stores in the protest area. Words utterly fail me.


                  • #24
                    When I was still at Macy's, we had an older guy come in once who was wearing pink dress pants, a pink blouse, and large gold hoop earrings......and to add to the effect, he also had a long white beard.

