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Back to the DMV

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  • Back to the DMV

    Months ago, I finally got my Driver's Permit and I have been trying to get back to the DMV to get my Liscense. Of course it can't be that simple.

    The nearest DMV is 30 miles east. They closed the one in my town a year or two ago and actually threatened to close all but 21 in the state of Oklahoma if they didn't get more budget money (and the state caved in)

    For me to drive there I have to have a liscensed driver in the seat next to me and of course, they will be stuck there with me for hours.

    Last Friday, my boss gave me the morning off and my dad, disabled and recovering from a stroke wanted to go with me. I get there about 15 minutes after they open and I am allready #42. So I wait.......and wait.....and wait.

    One lady did not like to wait. She was loudly complaining, she said this is no way to run an office, she said they should have a secretary, she said they should have a TV,
    Oh and She was #3!

    One guy was from Norman. He drove by their DMV at 6am and there was over 80 people siting in the parking lot waiting, so he drove to Moore an there were at least 60 he came to Yukon and was #44. He said on one of his previous visits to the Norman DMV he waited the entire day there and they never got to him and about 20 others.

    After 3 hours of waiting, 3 hours of cell phones, 3 hours of crying babies and 3 hours of people giving up and leaving, it is finally my turn.

    And what happens?

    Oh you are here for the Drive test? We signed up everybody for that at 7am today, we can't do any more. Come back on Monday.

    I sit there patiently for 3 hours, and neither of the two guy doing the tests could be bothered to announce ths. Twice he came out and told us what ID we needed but did he mention the Drive tests, No! They had signs everywhere telling people to turn off their cell phones (and I can tell you the ring tones of half the people there), no food & drink (ignored by most) and people walking in and interupting the testing (ignoring everyone else in line) but did they have a sign about how they do the Drive tests? Noooo! Oh and according to the sign on the door, testing starts at 8am not 7am,so they don't follow their own rules.

    And the three hour wait was about my dad's limit, he didn't feel good at all today.

    So I can either break the law and drive with a illegal permit or I can break the law and drive to the testing place without anyone with me. Oh and any other testing areas are even further away, so I would have leave at 5 or 6 am just to get there at opening.
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"

  • #2
    ugh, I remember in illinois the DMV in my town was an all day thing, but there was one about 30-45 mins away that was way out in the middle of nowhere so the lines weren't long

    now the Alaska DMV is doing a lot of stuff online so the lines are down here, alaska really kicks ass


    • #3
      Bullshit like this is why i refuse to get a license. It's not worth all the hassle as long as public transportation exists.
      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


      • #4
        Gotta love the DMV.

        One of my co-workers is trying to get his son in for his driving test. All the slots in town are full through the summer. If he wants to get it this summer, he has to take the test in another city.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth katie kaboom View Post
          Bullshit like this is why i refuse to get a license. It's not worth all the hassle as long as public transportation exists.

          yay I'm not alone!
          32 no license-have had 3 learner's permits though-just never able to find anyone to teach me during those times.
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
            yay I'm not alone!
            32 no license-have had 3 learner's permits though-just never able to find anyone to teach me during those times.
            I've had at least 3 learner's permits if not more. And i actually know how to drive, i just never managed to pass the road test (damn parallel parking messed me up every single time).

            At this point, in order to get my license i'd have to take drivers ed AGAIN (i've already taken it three times in my life) and at almost 30 years old that aint happening. I'd be the old-maid of the class.
            Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


            • #7
              Why do you need to pass parellel parking in the first place? I rarely if ever parellel park. I learned it just to pass the test and that was it. If I have to walk an extra few feet by not parellel parking in a spot, I would do it.
              "Oh, very good....Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'" Severus Snape


              • #8
                DMV...urge to kill rising. stand in line, tell one person what you want to do, they "look" at paperwork say you are good, now wait another hour. When you finally get to the correct line they tell you the other DMV employee was wrong. Go back home get more stuff, return wit in line, two moths later, finally register car. The have DMV employee tell you it would have been easier to forge a dead persons (former car owner) sig than do it the legal way.


                • #9
                  Why do you need to pass parellel parking in the first place?
                  I told the guy "just fail me on the parallel parking". I might've been able to do it, but didn't want to even bother.

                  So, he did. And, I did well enough on everything else that I passed anyway.
                  "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                  Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                  • #10
                    I've parallel parked exactly once in my life. And that was to pass the driving test.

                    I've never done it since. And that's a good thing because parallel parking came hard for me.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Having to practice both parallel and reverse parking each day I can say it does become easier with practice (the car park at work is notoriously tight and certain vehicles have to be parked nose out)
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Monica View Post
                        Why do you need to pass parellel parking in the first place? I rarely if ever parellel park. I learned it just to pass the test and that was it. If I have to walk an extra few feet by not parellel parking in a spot, I would do it.
                        I parellel parked for my practice driving and my test.

                        I haven't done it since then.

                        I have gone on record as saying that I would rather park three blocks away than try to parellel park around here.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          It took me 32 years to get my license. I was content with public transportation up to a point and couldn't take it any more. Tired of not getting seats on the bus or waiting for a bus that was always half and hour late.

                          I failed my driving test 2 times. The first time the instructor taught like crap so i failed on parallel parking and decided to switch trainers.

                          Second time i failed because i was not really prepared and needed more time with the new instructor also failed on parallel parking.

                          The third time was the charm and i passed and it also helped that it snowed like crazy the day before so they had to cancel the test and i had to retake it the next day. The dmv tester was also nicer than the other two and actually gave me some helpful hints and how to pull out into a street to see if traffic is coming and so forth.

                          I still suck at parallel parking but my instructor showed me an easy way to park.

                          You are supposed to line up you car mirror to mirror with the car that is in front of the space you are going to pull into.

                          Then you are suppose to put hte car in reverse then turn the steering wheel once to the right and slowly go back enough that your side view mirror is lined up with the rear light of the car that you are parking behind. You stop and then turn the wheel 2 times to the left and back up until you are half way into the spot.

                          You then stop and turn the wheel to the left once and finsih backing into the space.

                          Once you are fully into the space, you put the car into drive then turn the wheel to the right once and pull forward to straigthen the car.

                          so basically it is 1 right 2 left, 1 right and then a left.

                          i did this from parking on the passenger side. It is the same for the drive side but in reverse of the above.

                          It is better to show someone visually because typing it out is not that easy.
                          "Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life down here."


                          • #14
                            Here's another thing about the DMV around here: The people giving the driving tests are absolute fucktards.

                            I have a co-worker who just recently passed his test after failing it about 3 times. The past 2 times the test was administered by some lady who flunked him for--get this--going 27 miles per hour instead of the normal 25.

                            You drive 27 in this town and you will quickly accumulate a line of traffic behind you, tailgating, flashing headlights and honking at you. I do understand this is technically against the law, but you do have to take the test in a real-world environment where people do break the speed limit by a few mph, and besides it's probably better to have the driver doing a few miles over the limit and having their eyes on the road, than staying right at 25 with their eyes glued to the speedometer. Shit, I'm certain I went at least a mile or two over 25 on my driving test, and still passed.

                            Another time he was failed for speeding up a little bit to safely make a lane change. The instructor told him "If you have to come to a complete stop to make your lane change, you do it." And then you get ass-ended and wind up in a fiery crash. He told me he was taught to do the exact opposite in driver's ed.

                            This time he was clocked at 26 mph and this wench had to talk herself into passing him. I'm wondering if her name was Patty. Or Selma.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Quoth Monica View Post
                              Why do you need to pass parellel parking in the first place?
                              In Maryland the very first part of the driving test is the parallel parking. If you fail that, you're done. You don't even get to take the rest of the test.
                              Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

