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All Hell breaks loose in a pizza place.

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  • All Hell breaks loose in a pizza place.

    I used to work at a pizza place on my summers home from college. I was the assistant manager at 2 different stores and most days would open at one and close at the other, so I was making pizza ALL the time.

    One store was just plain haunted - all the wierd stuff heppened there. So this haunted store got blasted with business for a whole week for some reason, and by Thursday night we were out of everything and not ready for the weekend. The dough has GOT to be made at least a day ahead of time, so I had a dozen batches of that to do (35 minutes per batch) and every little thing was dirty or needed replacing/refilling. By the time my last helper left at 11 it looked like a bomb went off in there.

    I had no social life so I offered to stay late and do the work, knowing full well I'd sleep for maybe 3 hours that night before I had to be back to open in the morning.

    I bust ass well into the small hours, doing the critical food prep first and saving the less critical washing and cleaning of non-critical areas for last. By around 4 AM I was out of energy so I went home to sleep. A few hours later I come back and see that the produce guy has been there and delivered the weekend's veggies and whatnot.

    I clean the place up, finish the paperwork, get everything set up and start on the produce when the manager, his boss, and his boss's boss show up all together. The boss' boss lives in another state.

    "What the ^*%! *$#@^% is going on here!?" roars the big boss, storming into the back like he expects to find a dead body or something. The proceed to TRY to rip me a new one and accuse me of wrecking the place and stealing and not doing my job and what not. Apparently the produce guy thought the place looked like it had been ransacked/robbed/abandoned and called it in, and I'm guessing he was colorful in shis description (the place WAS a hell hole when he saw it.)

    Once I calmly explained the truth, showed them the damn near pristine state of the store, opened the safe so they could verify the count, showed them the previous week's recipts (showing almost double normal business) and displayed my time card showing serious overtime, they started blasting my good-for-nothing boss. Useless twit deserved it, if not for that event in particular then for general useless twittery.

    Boss's boss offered me my boss's job. Right in front of my boss! I had to turn him down because I was headed back to college in a month, but it sure felt nice. Things were a little tense after that....
    Hmm...more zombies than usual...