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Drug/Alcohol Policy Is A Joke

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  • Drug/Alcohol Policy Is A Joke

    Last fall, our drug and alcohol policy was modified, to add drug testing to work related accidents, and to also add "suspicion of use" forms.....I can't really explain the latter, it's just something a supervisor fills out if they truly believe an employee is under the influence, and a drug/alcohol test will be given. I have never heard of any stories of that happening, but you can imagine the fun that goes with that, or what would happen if the wrong vindictive type person wanted to wrongfully accuse someone.

    Anyway, part of our policy is that a supervisor must be notified if alcohol can be smelled on someone. When we come to work, we cannot have any alcohol or (illegal) drugs in our system.

    If anyone remembers Naughty Boy (he was a wiley, out of control 18-19 year old kid who wouldn't listen and called me a "bitch" and eventually was fired for other behavioral issues), on Halloween night he came in late, and I smelled beer on him. He was walking and standing like normal, but he wreeked of it. I asked him what was up, and he said he'd been playing beer pong before work. I didn't want to be a "Nark", but I didn't want to be responsible for knowing that fact and not saying anything if he were to start throwing up or fall ino the machine and get hurt. So I told Chef Ramsey, who told the boss.

    The boss wanted Chef Ramsey and the other male shift lead to try to smell him to make sure I was right. Naturally, Naughty Boy sensed something, and would not let them near him and made sure they couldn't smell his breath. I suggested Ann go up and give it a try, because he'd had no issues whatsoever letting me come close to him and he didn't try to hide it from me, and maybe if it were a female, he'd be more willing to comply. Chef Ramsey said no, that none of us had any proof, and since they didn't (rather, couldn't!) smell it, my boss dropped the whole thing and didn't bother.

    Granted, it wouldn't have fallen on my shoulders if something would have happened, as my boss and the shift leads made the decision that there was nothing going on.....but it still made me mad. They were being so naive....of course he wouldn't let them near him.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Quoth blas87 View Post
    "suspicion of use" forms.....I can't really explain the latter, it's just something a supervisor fills out if they truly believe an employee is under the influence, and a drug/alcohol test will be given.
    See, now this sounds like a gray area to me. You say the sup has to "truly believe" an employee is under the influence, but what does that mean? Frankly, due to liability issues and the whole working with slamming/banging/pinching machines and whatnot, a tip that someone is impaired should be followed up on, regardless of what someone's breath smells like. And yes, this is ripe for abuse. But then again, the phrasing you used suggests this is a judgement call. As long as everything is properly documented, why should there be a problem?

    And what's with trying to smell the guy's breathe in such a sneaky way? I'm assuming this is to give the sup probably cause, but is there anything wrong with walking right up to the guy, asking him straight out if he's been drinking, and ask to smell his breathe? Again, this is liability and safety issues, is this really an invasion of privacy? (I'm really not sure on this, but to me it doesn't seem that way). Many companies post signs saying that bags can be searched before leaving, why is the safety of this schmuck and his fellow employees any less of a big deal?
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      IMO, the drug/alcohol policy in most places is just there if the company wants to fire you without getting sued.
      "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


      • #4
        Quoth CancelMyService View Post
        IMO, the drug/alcohol policy in most places is just there if the company wants to fire you without getting sued.
        Not true, it's so a company can protect itself against employees who have poor judgement who come to work impaired.
        If a company fires someone due to this policy, they better be damned sure they have a positive test on paper, otherwise they open themselves up to big legal issues.
        The drug/alcohol testing based on an accident is pretty common now a days.
        Never heard of "suspicion of use." That could be a whole can of worms right there. Then again, my feeling is that if they want to pay me to piss in a jar, so be it.
        Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.---Bullet Tooth Tony


        • #5
          Just a note to everyone. If your work can make you take drug tests at random. DO NOT EAT POPPY SEED ANYTHING!!!

          It WILL make you test positive for opiates. Trust me my mom works in a lab and has done the experiment herself. A single muffin can make you test positive for DAYS afterwords.


          • #6
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            I have never heard of any stories of that happening, but you can imagine the fun that goes with that, or what would happen if the wrong vindictive type person wanted to wrongfully accuse someone.
            At my place of work, it would probably be a win-win situation. If an employee here is asked to take an immediate, non-accident related drug test, they get the rest of the day off from work. You still get paid for it if the test is clean. So if you get a vindictive schmuck using the reporting system, that employee gets the rest of the day off, and either he gets paid for nothing and vindictive boy has a mental ding against him in the minds of management, or the company finds out about an employee working under the influence. So you see, if someone gets overly vindictive, management will jump on Mr. Vindictive for causing them to pay a lot of cash to an employee who isn't there to work.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              What irritated me was that the guy TOLD me he'd been drinking. Sure, he'd probably deny it to anyone else, but I knew it and I knew what I smelled.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Quoth Raieth View Post
                Just a note to everyone. If your work can make you take drug tests at random. DO NOT EAT POPPY SEED ANYTHING!!!

                It WILL make you test positive for opiates. Trust me my mom works in a lab and has done the experiment herself. A single muffin can make you test positive for DAYS afterwords.
                That's true! My sister is a chemical engineer working for a mining company, once when she was on site somebody nearly got fired for a positive opiate test. He was somehow able to prove that he'd eaten a poppy seed cake and keep his job. (I don't know the full details)

                (Miners take drugs and alcohol very seriously, since the emergency response time is a lot longer than on the surface. Everyone is breathalised and urine tested before going down.)

                Also it was on Mythbusters, but that's not important right now.


                • #9
                  Well then again of course, there are always people who are just naturally weird and seem like they are on drugs.

                  Spastic Burnout is still like that. I'm not a trainer anymore and he ceased to be my problem, but the first few months he worked there, I was convinced he was on crack. Then I decided he has anger problems or Tourettes or something. The guy has "Fuck Attacks".....when he gets really frustrated, mad or confused, he will just spiral into a whirl of "fuck", literally every other word out of his mouth is "fuck" and when he says "fuck", he twitches and raises his voice to put emphasis on it.

                  He used to scare the crap out of me, but while Todd trained him, he was highly amused by it.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

