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Hahahahahaha! NO

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  • Hahahahahaha! NO

    I took a personal day this Friday, mainly to go to a coworker's birthday party (woohoo, beer n' pizza ) and the purpose of the personal time was to avoid having to work an evening shift in case there was a truck. As it turns out, there is only one truck this week, on Thursday, so I work during the evening Thursday and have Friday off. The personal day was approved. How's that for timing?

    A co-worker on the stock crew took a few days of vacation this week, including Friday, so our manager had to scrounge up a couple people to replace us for Friday.

    Now this morning, I get a phone call from work.

    Me: Hello?
    Caller: Hi Irv, this is (manager other than mine). (My manager) knows that you took Friday off as a personal day but wants to know if you could work 5 to 1:30 during the morning anyway and not use the personal day? (Person she scrounged up for Friday) says he can't work because he's got basketball practice or something.
    Me: Sorry, I have plans for Friday. Won't be able to make it in.
    Caller: Okay, I will let her know that. Thanks Irv. Bye.

    1. If my manager had any suspicion that she would be cutting things too close with my personal day and my co-worker's vacation, she should've rejected my personal day in the first place.
    2. One of the replacements having something come up that prevents him from working does not constitute an emergency on my part. Especially since I get paid to work or not.
    3. How much do you wanna bet I get dinged for "not being a team player" or some such horseshit at review time? Oh well, if that's the worst thing they can say about me it's no big deal.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily