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My biggest f-up ever!

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  • My biggest f-up ever!

    I've messed up totals on registers before. I've hit one to many zeros or not enough, I usually catch it. I've even had a guy demand I give him $90 dollars when he only gave me ten. Even after I explained the error to him and counted him his change, but that's another story, for another time. But last month I made my biggest boo boo yet. I had a customer give me $100 and the rest to put on her card. But I got distracted, I won't mention how as it will make me look like an even bigger idiot. But as I was distracted I entered 100 into the machine and she ran her card, I put in the money, end of transaction.

    Then the next day I worked I had to go pick up my time card from the office. I figured it'd be some small write up as usual. But when I entered the office my boss asked me, "Why was your last drawer $99 over?" I had forgot to enter the two zeros after the hundred.

    So I had charged this poor woman $99 I shouldn't have, but worse yet is that she hasn't come back or called about the money yet. This happened at the beginning of last month. I know if it were me I'd have been back in a heart beat. I really only hope she doesn't over draft.
    wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
    Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.