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no, Goddamnit, i will not do your work for you!

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  • no, Goddamnit, i will not do your work for you!

    a couple months ago, my mom had to go into the hospital for a heart operation. everything turned out fine, but because of it, she cant work for a few months. so i dont get to take time off for the summer, as i usually do since my work shuts down for a month due to lack of kids.

    so, i've been moved over to the japanese school for the summer, since i need near full time hours. on average, i like it better then the standard cafeteria. the kids are much nicer, much more polite, and its generally easy work.

    except on Saturdays.

    on saturdays, its me, the grill cook, and the supposed "Supervisor" i say supposed, because he hardly does anything. oh yes, he serves in the morning, but he rarely stays, goes over to the over cafeteria constantly, and at night, always leaves almost an hour early. so guess who's stuck doing everything?

    i've told the big boss about all this, and he's on the verge of firing him for it. its pissing me off, i've asked the main guy to take me off saturday.