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A Plaidman rant. (Very long).

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  • A Plaidman rant. (Very long).

    This has been something I've been doing alot of thinking of. Hell, I typed this on wordpad before I posted
    it here. Just to make sure I get my thoughts clear and understanding. I'm not really sure how to word it, so I'll try.

    This place has helped me. I've become a better person, and as such a better clerk. However, I'm more worried about
    the negative aspect of that. Equal reaction for every action. Not so much as a sling I suppose, but more of a dam.
    See, a dam is made to hold water, generate power, etc etc. I have made a dam towards customers. However, overtime, dams
    get damaged. Customers, are poking holes into me. Bit. By bit. By bit. Alot of times, its tiny holes. But a repeat, makes
    that hole bigger before it can be repaired. How long does it take to repair? Who knows. But its the follow that makes holes

    1: People who apolgy over and over for change. I don't care. I can count change. Fast even. If saying sorry to anyone,
    say sorry to the people behind you. 99 percent of the time, its not me they bitch to, its YOU. However, on that note,
    its the twenties, fifties, and hundreds that make the biggest holes. Yes, we have an ATM. Yes it spits out twenties.
    However, being a convience store, your are NOT the only one that spends twenties there. Two, sometimes three twenties, and
    suddenly my drawer is empty and still have a time limit that is not even close to getting done on the safe, to get out a
    grand total of 20 dollars in fives, or 10 dollars in ones. Guess how long that lasts when most of the time, its the next
    customer, that onces again gets a dollar item and pays with a twenty. There are several 24 hour big business near here. There
    are FIVE banks, all within three minutes from here by car. Do you really, desperartly need that candy bar? Or chap stick? Or
    god forbid the cheapest beer in existence. Now, spending 5 dollars, fine, that is reasonable. That doesn't piss me off as much.
    On that note: Please, why, why do people act so suprise, and PISSed of that I do not, nor will I be able, to get change for
    100??? Or why the pissed off look that in the off beat chance I somehow do, it WILL be 5s, dollars, and quarters. Even though
    I just told you it would be in that form, and you said OK.

    2: Lottery. Whatever. People gamble. However, do NOT give me foul looks. Do not groan and piss at customers, when they ask you
    to please, move one INCE to the left or right, so they can get buy there stuff. No-one likes waiting while you hum and haw
    over spending one dollar over a grand selection of 3 differenty lottery scratch it. Yes. We do have 20 dollar scratch it.
    If you want scratch it, at least decide which you want. Yes, it could be lucky and have a 1000 dollar winner there. But,
    who works there? Who see's people turn in lottery? Me, and I'll tell you, ten dollars is about average. Woo woo.
    Also, for online. I will comfirm it first. 99 perchant of the time I'll ask for money first. Its only when I forget to that
    screws me over. Do not bitch about me asking for your money. You are going to pay right? So what does it matter if you pay
    that second, or thirty seconds later? Only thieves really think that way IMO. However, I cannot void it. So if I ask you,
    when you have 5 dollars in your hand, and you say 1 dollar BLAH, and 4 dollar BLAH, and I ask, you say yes, do not scream
    NEVERMIND after its printed. Yes. It was my fault for not asking for money first. But be decent. I cannot force you to pay
    for it. You don't care. Even had I gotten the money first, you'd scream bloody murder afterwards regardless, so why be a prick?
    ON that note, why do you come to us with your 100 dollar winner. Do you really, honest to goodness think we carry that amount?
    You don't even tell us the amount, and alot of times its hard to see what you have won. So a little forwarning would be nice.
    So guess who gets to wait, since once it goes through we are required to give to you.

    3: Matches. Yes. Sometimes we have matches. Alot of times we don't. They're are free, and thus people grab them by the handful.
    People also grab whole packs of napkins. Not like 3-4, I'm talking 500 napkins. They are not free for us. We are being nice.
    No law stating we are required to provide you with matches and napkins.

    4: Cig deals. Yes, sometimes we have a Buy one get one free cigs. Sometimes buy 2 get one free. You buy them. Do you think
    only you? Do you think we think you are so special that we hide them just for you? We're going to sell them. Its money for us
    regardless. First come, first serve. Also, its not like we order them. Otherwise it'll be all we have. Company gives it to us
    as a gesture, not a requirment.

    5: Yep, we don't have any on the shelf. Your curious as to why? Do you not see the 12 other people in the store? I have to
    watch those. Maybe you have never had the privage of having stuff stolen from you, but its an act I see too many times a day.
    It is BUSY here. I do NOT sit on my ass all day, and you are NOT the only one that buys it. So, we run out, when I don't have
    any customers, I can stock, but its so rare not to have at least two or three in my store at at time, and sinec I'm the only
    worker here? Hmm. Wonderwhy? I am sorry about it, but its really nothing I can do.

    6: Again, its busy here. So, as a human being, I have needs. Like bathroom breaks. So pounding on the door, nearly breaking
    our windows when you have to wait a grand total of 1 minute and 52 seconds (My average to go, wash, and run), is not a crime
    against humanity, or as someone once put it, against the law. That beer you despreatly need can wait.

    7: Beer and cigs need ID. Yes, you have to be 18 for cigs, 21 for beer. Take as compliment as worst. If you really think you
    look over 30 when your 19, then I feel bad for you. Perhaps your face is aged, but your brain is fazed.

    8: Yes, I take my job seriously on that carding. Bitching that at me, big deal. Just like you, I need money to pay bills.
    Do you break the law at your job? Well, since your a MAN since you have a two sons and a daughter, at 19 years old, selling
    drugs because thats what a MAN does, I'm just going to have to disagree on our intreptions of what manhood implies. To me,
    a man follows the law. A man who keeps his promises. A man who supports his family. A man who, you know, knows common sense
    and does not hassle a freaking clerk over a fucking cigar your going to stuff drugs into. I don't do that crap. Honestly,
    it does bother me, and doesn't bother me. A man should be clear headed for his children and wife. But whatever. I'm a clerk
    who takes his job /too/ seriously by refusing sell to someone with no ID. I'm not on commision. I sure as hell don't wanna
    be 'cool' in your eyes. I like me. I don't like you. You are not important to me nor is your thoughts on a cool bro. You
    need a cigar? Carry your ID and show it. Don't cry. Be a man.

    9: Beer and Cigs are my least favorite. However, I can understand why people like it. I've been drunk. Never smoked, but
    whatever. I don't like that feeling of lungs ripping out of me by a back scratcher being used by a blind man in a wheelchair
    and no back. Some do. However, I feel sorry for people who NEED that 18 pack of beer a day. Who drink in and drink out, smoke
    3 packs a day. Life sucks. It really really does. I won't go to the extreme of saying your just trying to commit a long
    term and painful suicide, but I've been in those shoes. I just tried a much quicker and graphic exits. This one is more of a
    WHY question rather then a thing that just annoys me.

    10: In the tiny cases where I've been in the cooler stocking, do NOT freak out and start screaming for me. Do not say how you
    thought I was shot and dead. Nor do you say I thought I could have everything free. Yes, clerks do get shot and killed. For
    the most part, you'll hear it. Wanna know why you hear it? Because its not as common as you'd think. Thats why its on the
    news when it does happen. Is it scary here? It can be. I've been stabbed. I've been hit, by fist and glass. I've had guns
    pointed at me. But I remember those the most, because its not only exciting in a morbid fashion, but because it happens alot
    more rare then I proclaim it to be.

    11: Math. I'm smart at it. Not the best, but I can make mistakes. However, the register cannot unless I screw it up. Perhaps this is just too hard for you to grasp. (Lets see our CS follow along!)

    Customer buying:
    1.65 in beer.
    7.00 in lottery.
    8.65 total.
    She is returning 4 dollars in lottery, so credit 4 dollars.
    8.65 - 4 = 4.65.
    She pays in a twenty. I hand her 15.35.
    Do not start bitching at me that I did NOT give you your 4 dollars from lottery return. Do you truly expect to be able to get THAT much lottery and beer, for .65 cents? Please. Dear gawd almight PLEASE use some common sense and MATH skills. Minumal price for lottery is a dollar even! You got THREE of those, and TWO $2 dollar lottery. Is it that hard a problem?

    ... Well, I rattled on a little too much. I'm just asking, the dam is almost to the breaking point. How do you people relax?
    Its just all that above, happening every. Freaking. Day. OVER. And OVER. And OVER.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    Quoth Plaidman View Post
    . How long does it take to repair?
    I hear a week in Hawaii works pretty well.
    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


    • #3
      This is why I don't work at the grocery store anymore. In fact, I avoid customer service like the plague now. I only help guests at the inn when absolutely forced to do so.

      My dam broke long ago, and I've never managed to put it back together. It is now just a raging river, rage? Only for the SCs, but I absolutely speak my mind to them when and where I see them. Least I can do for poor bastards like yourself who are stuck on the frontlines.


      • #4
        Frankly, When I was working Convenience (As you are) I had Doom 3 on my Computer.

        Nothing like 'relaxing' by Punching Shotgun-shaped holes in things, and imagining them as the Sucky Idjits that torqued you off all day.

        Besides, It's less harmful than doing such in real Life, and Probably Just as catharatic.


        • #5
          Quoth Plaidman View Post
          How long does it take to repair?


          How do you people relax?
          My dam broke right after I went on vacation to an Anime convention. Three days later I snapped and after another three weeks I was in another state doing construction for my dad.

          Spent 5 months working in Construction before THAT one made me snap (the people who were paying me were assholes) and I RETURNED TO RETAIL. 2 Months in the Fine Chinese Goods Store and I was sick of being treated like dirt by my CO-WORKERS so I went back to the DT. I've taken over my old job as Head Cashier and I'm happier now. Who knew?

          It took 5 months to literally beat the hatred out (YOU try to fix an 80 year old house, that damned thing was out to kill me!) before I could stand retail again. And just in time for Tourist Season. Dammit.
          Last edited by RetailWorkhorse; 07-03-2008, 09:36 PM. Reason: fixing quote and spelling
          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


          • #6
            How do you people relax?
            an 80lbs heavy bag and 2-3 hrs of boxing routines. great cardio and i feel the weight of the day lifted off. though doom sounds good too. have a freind who runs 12 miles a day to relax, but i think shes nuts
            This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
            my blog:


            • #7
              Quoth Plaidman View Post
              How do you people relax?
              I haven't hit my breaking point yet. Lets just say it takes a lot of patients to help someone get over Depression without medication.

              But stress? I have to deal with it almost daily (particularly today! "13" guests came in on a Bus and I wasn't quite ready for them, not to mention the fact that the computer refused to give the Bus Driver a smoking room, which took me forever to deal with. Each room has two beds and at least one pair of children, Mom and Dad and two grandmas. You do the math).

              Stress is hard to get rid of and after a while it really grates you on. It starts to interfear with your work and how you treat fellow co-workers and others in the same industry as you.

              I currently use the Cookies and Vodka approach. It works okay for me and this evening I'll include a bubble bath.
              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


              • #8
                Quoth Plaidman View Post
                Is it scary here? It can be. I've been stabbed. I've been hit, by fist and glass. I've had guns
                pointed at me. But I remember those the most, because its not only exciting in a morbid fashion, but because it happens alot
                more rare then I proclaim it to be.
                Um, unless you've worked there something like 90 years, having each of those things happen even ONCE is way too often, if you ask me. I guess I lead a sheltered life.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                  Um, unless you've worked there something like 90 years, having each of those things happen even ONCE is way too often, if you ask me. I guess I lead a sheltered life.
                  Well the stab was more of a slash on the arm. No real blood lost on that one. Fist fights I really could have prevented half off. The glass was just that. A hit. Didn't shatter, and was more of a half-ass attempt. For the guns. Well, one was covered up, and apperently a toy in the end when they caught her. The other was a customer just showing off. The last was real and inches from my face.
                  Military Spouse Support.
                  Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                  • #10
                    How do I relax

                    Drink and play my wrestling video game. Nothing like kicking some ass to get rid of the stress
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                    • #11
                      Quoth powerboy View Post
                      Drink and play my wrestling video game. Nothing like kicking some ass to get rid of the stress
                      Same, drink (but take it easy ) and gaming. It's a lot easier with MMOs, as you've got a community of friends there as well - beat stuff up and chat about the bad day you had.
                      Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs

