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4th of July and I'm working...I'm so not in the mood!

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  • 4th of July and I'm working...I'm so not in the mood!

    I'm putting this here because I was more than likely the one that was sucky but I just wasn't in the best of moods today.

    So the phone rings and I answer with the LONG ASS greeting they are making us say. On the other end of the line was a lady who just picked the wrong day to call.

    Me: This is Camry178 speaking, how may I help you?
    Lady: Yeah, where are you located? (while she's having a conversation with someone else as well)
    Me: We are located on this street and such avenue.
    Lady: You're talking too fast. SPEAK SLOW.
    Me: (Alrighty then) We.....are.....located...
    Lady: HEY YOU, I'M NOT STUPID. I WA-*click*

    Hung up on her. Once someone starts yelling, that's the end of the conversation.

    A few minutes later she calls back.

    Me: This is Camry178 speaking, how may I help you?
    Lady: You hung up on me!
    Me: Yes I did, ma'am. Once you start yelling, that becomes the end of the conversation. And we are located on this street and such avenue.

    Turns out she felt our prices are too much for her so she wouldn't be shopping with us anyway.

    Oh, and I know I was probably mean to her at the start, but IT'S THE FREAKING 4TH OF JULY!!! Don't you have better things to do than to call around on a Federal Holiday asking for an address? I'll say it again...I was sooo not in the mood today.
    If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

    Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".

  • #2
    I feel your pain.

    Here it is, the 4th of July, and I'm sitting in a basement room, with no windows and it's unlikely that even IF I do go out to look for any, I won't be able to see any fireworks.

    Luckily, my GF's friend came into town and is taking her to a party tonight, so she won't be stuck at home with nothing to do tonight.

    So far, I've only had one phone call, someone trying to get his VPN to work so he can check his email....

    *shakes head*

    Eric the Grey
    In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


    • #3
      I feel your pain, I'm stuck working 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Absolutely nothing has happened, and I only get paid for one hour of holiday pay, because we only get paid for the 4th and after midnight is the 5th.


      • #4
        I hate working holidays in retail. I had to work all of Memorial Day weekend, so I asked for the fourth off citing a "family event" b/c I wanted to avoid the local parade. Turns out, it was a smart idea. I had to work the rest of the holiday weekend though.

        My store manager assumes that all people without any seniority automatically want to work on holidays unless you ask off for them. I'm thinking of already asking for Labor off if I'm still stuck in retail then.

        It's hard to work on a holiday when you see people in the store buying food for barbeques and parties, all very much enjoying their holiday when you aren't having a good time at all. Instead you are working a crappy ass minimum wage job when you would much rather be spending time with your family and friends. Hopefully, the fourth will be the last f****** holiday I have to work if my job interview this week is successful.

