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Does anyone here work for Rite-aid?

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  • Does anyone here work for Rite-aid?

    What are their hiring practices? I got a friend who is thinking about applying with them but doesn't know what to expect. Can anyone give me any information?

    ETA: If you don't want to announce your place of employment publicly, feel free to PM me. I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

  • #2
    I worked for them about ten years ago. I can't speak for their company in other parts of the country, but my store was union, and I made minimum wage, so the union dues were deducted from that. Plus, they give like a $.05 raise every year.

    All I did to get hired was fill out an app and turn it in, and they called me for an interview.
    You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem! --From Patch Adams


    • #3
      i work for them and i have an union store- the local union has written in their contract .25 cent raises every year no matter if your the best employee or the worst you get a quarter- which 2 years ago, was 2 cents more than i got and i am a manager (if you divide my salary by 50 hours)
      it was a good company to work for years ago but it is not as fun now- corporate is more concerned with cute little phrases and sayings and checklists than listening to their employees and actually correcting employee complaints- it is not rocket science we are a drug store we sell merchandise and fill prescriptions nothing more, nothing less .
      also, there are 2 many chiefs and not enough indians- it is sad to see 6 or 7 people in a cell phone kiosk in a mall standing around twiddling thumbs and the stores only have enough payroll to have 4or 5 people in a huge store all day
      corporate wants only part time people so if the manager is willing to work around what you can work go for it but don't become management- disillusion is around the corner


      • #4
        Thank you both for the information. I don't know anything about union stores---is it hard to get hired on? Do you have to take a UA or hair test or anything? Does it take a long time to get hired?
        Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


        • #5
          Didn't for me, I never had to take a drug test at all, just had to take one of those written tests with questions like, "If you saw one of your co-workers stealing, would you turn them in?" and all that jazz.

          Once again, this was ten years ago, so things may have changed drastically since then.

          Also, our union sucked.
          You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem! --From Patch Adams

