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the bees are gonna get us

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  • the bees are gonna get us

    around this time of year we have lots of bees around. this is never fun.

    last year i was stung in the neck (on the juglar btw) i looked like i had the mumps for a few days.

    well the new year is here and first thing i see is some wasps, so i call the lp guys and i tell them there are wasps around, there has to be a nest somewhere. they ignore my plea to get rid of the nest where ever it may be even with my refusal to smoke in that area till its gone.

    finally the guys took care of it for me (the mechaincs that is)

    well saturday seemed like it was gonna be a normal day

    then one of the techs comes in with a bee sting on his arm, small and painful looking, we try to find some first aide, which we had none for this type of wound (apparently they used it up on me last year) we watched it go from small to his arm looking like popeyes, in about an hour, we decide to send him to the er.

    well i stayed a few hours longer since one of the guys took him, well i go out for a smoke come back in and sit down in a chair in the brake room to ask one of the guys a question who was at lunch.

    i feel this prick in my back, im like oh no dont tell me its a bee

    (please note that after the other guy got stung they joked abit about my sting last year, and the fact that if i were to smoke i might get stung too)

    the guy is looking at me like im nuts, he didnt hear what i was saying cause he had a head set in, so i lift up the back of my shirt and ask if i had been stung, he says no, i said are you sure cause it sure felt like it. i try to flick my shirt away from my body to see if the bee would fall out he says he didnt see a bee. when i put the shirt down he saw it and then tries to knock it off and step on it. in the process he knocks his lunch off the table (when i get paid im gonna buy him lunch)

    lucky for me the stinger only pricked me and did not stick in so no venom or stinger, however i do have a nasty welt (i am a bit alergic)

    im gonna see about getting a sting kit for the shop now cause this is just rediculus, they didnt even have any cold packs in the whole store let alone ice (which they had to chip out of a freezer)

    apparently being stung at work does not warrant workmans comp, i say wth, if we had to go to the er and we were on the clock (not at lunch) then it should be paid for. im gonna see if we can get that changed too

    just my rant for the week
    "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)

  • #2
    That's not worker's comp? What if a customer got stung and nearly died? I'm thinking insurance would end up paying their bills. Same as if they slipped and fell on ice. It's the responsibility of the workplace to have a safe working/shopping environment.

    I'm not a lawyer or anything, keep in mind. And I certainly don't work in insurance. I suggest starting maybe with your local labor board and get their thoughts on this. That, and start documenting everything. Who you talked to about removing the pests, when, who was stung including where & when, etc. That at leasts sets a pattern.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      i know i replied to this, i wonder what happend, maybe i accidently deleted it or something.

      anyway, i had reported it a while ago, the pest control people came out yesterday, and said we not only had wasps, but hornets and yellow jackets as well, oh and black widows.

      apparently we need to have approval from national, in order to have 250$ worth of pest removal no matter how much of a liablilty is,

      i went down and talked to the store manager to get her on it, and she did say that stings occured in the line of work are included in workmans comp. i guess the guy i talked to didnt know.

      oh yah they are living in the wall, which is gonna be a pain in the ass to get them out. mean while i still do not smoke in that area at all.
      "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)

