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I Don't Understand..

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  • I Don't Understand..

    I was a trainer for 7 months in my current department. I don't think I need to once again tell the tales of all the breathing slabs of morons I had to deal with, and the fact that most of them refused to listen to me and thought I was the one who didn't know what I was talking about.

    Every couple of months, my old department gets really behind and they ask if I can spend a week or so back there helping out. Within the last year or so, almost all of my old coworkers in that area have quit, got fired, went to a different department or different shift, or got a new job somewhere else. I don't recognize anyone over there anymore except a few people. That place has so many newbies it's unreal.

    Anyway, the past few nights, I've worked with some new people. Not training, just working alongside them.

    Every time I've helped one of them out, or gave them advice or pointers on how to make their machines run better or get better production numbers, they've been so grateful and appreciative. Some have said "I've been doing it this way ever since you showed me." or "Thanks a lot, that really helped!"....

    I mean, I've been taken aback....completely. I don't understand why in one department, new people want my advice, WANT my help....and appreciate it and listen to me and continue to grow.....and when I was an official trainer in another department, all of my own trainees were pretty much idiots who refused to listen.

    I don't understand. Maybe it's just a matter of who gets hired where.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    There's truth to the statement that we are a product of our environment. If you are surrounded by backstabbers, idiots, laziness or general belittling attitudes, you'll start to go sour yourself. If that's all you've known since starting the job, then things get pretty hopeless. Maybe this is a sign that the other department is a better place to work. Just wondering.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

