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Way to Go, Corporate

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  • Way to Go, Corporate

    Last Sunday at our weekly sales meeting, manager K tosses out that now we will no longer issue store credit for our 5-gallon drums; just cash. This just screams out "bad idea" in my head, since we've never given back cash for the drums.

    See, what we usually do is there's a $6 deposit tacked on to the price of a full 5-gallon drum of chlorine. A customer can then bring back the empty drum(s) and get those $6 as store credit, which is often used towards new drums. Other times they'll rack them up and get $30+ as credit. We'd only give cash back for that one certain customer who'd whine, btich and moan about not getting cash.

    So now I see giving cash back has numerous problems. For starters, not everyone pays for the drums with cash; it's usually credit. We never give cash back on credit returns, but this makes some loophole. Second, the people that bring in 5-8 barrels can wipe a cashier's till in several swings (because it's really $6 times MA state tax, which is 5%; so 6 barrels get back about $37.80), so get two or three of those in a row and you're out a hundred dollars, at least. Third, what's stopping people from stealing them for a quick buck? I heard last year that there were many complaints from people that their drums were stolen, and it's usually by someone wanting to make a little money somehow.

    I don't know what you guys think, but I think this was a very bad move by our higher ups. Even K doesn't like it. Maybe they'll realize it was a bad move after they start losing money. Bad thing to wish upon them, I know, but it's just a bad move in general.

  • #2
    Hmm, what about doing something like trade-in games? You get more back for credit than you do for cash. That, or treat it like any other return and a receipt is required showing cash or check payment for a customer to receive cash back.

    ETA: Wait, for some reason I seemed to think you had a choice in the process. Silly me.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

